there are lives that could be touched there are lines that could be extended sometimes when you wake up in the middle of the night and you hear yourself crying out to no one it seems like a much more likely event that the heart sees much more than the eyes let on and what is actually registered there in the soul of a wise man who once said that it is not best to try and do things right but that you should just do it forcefully and with no loss so dont try but just do it and that is where the Loneliness ends and where the wolves do not prowl for putrid bloody flesh but where truths become a reality for stories that are interwoven with the mesh of the anti-void when the sands of time become hard clay and the shores of existence become quicksand that is where nightmares become truth and the sand-man slips under your pillow and the gods of triumph hide their faces then we shall see who is the overcomer and who is the one who rises up out of the ashes of our charred humanity and sees the fullness of the God-head and that which is real becomes false at the end of the line like a very bad b movie with effects that are not special so is love not based on touch however love based upon principles of true humanity is seen as a threat to the integral system of all the worlds governing powers that with one fell swoop they should come down and spread their wings and fly like hungry birds hungry from winter like death by cold is the way that lives expand and shatter for a life without hope is
no life at all
copyright 2003 by pauly hart
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