Forgive it all

i lay it down
every breath of death
i pray it down
heaven on my head

forgiveness and ashes
i've wasted all my time
and now, i now know
acceptance comes from inside

the reason for the fire
is the same for all my pain
but i choose to destroy it
this shit can't stay the same

stoke the fire
feed the flame
watch it kindle
keeping me sane

bring me laughter
bring me peace
show me starlight
show me: me

and i cry and i scream
this night won't let me be
so i take the evil
and place it outside me

my furnace of hatred
would consume my soul
i keep it in check
so the fire doesn't take hold

stoke the fire
feed the flame
watch it kindle
keeping me sane

bring me laughter
bring me peace
show me starlight
show me: me

like i said: "forgive"
i forgive him for everything
and i will forgive her
even though she wears that ring

i choose to lay down
all the stains and lies
i choose to become a
living sacrifice

stoke the fire
feed the flame
watch it kindle
keeping me sane

bring me laughter
bring me peace
show me starlight
show me: me

i lay it down
every breath of death
i pray it down
heaven on my head

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