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The United States Constitution is Racist (at least that's what msnbc and cnn say)

In the 1840s and 1850s, the federal government tried to impose the Fugitive Slave Acts of 1793 and 1850 and school segregation through Brown v. Board of Education on the Southern states. It was argued that these measures were unconstitutional and that the states had the inherent power to prevent the federal government from enforcing them within their borders.

In response to the Alien and Sedition Acts in 1798, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison wrote the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, which provide a classic statement in support of states’ rights. Jefferson and Madison declared the Union is a voluntary association of states, and if the federal government violates that voluntary association with unconstitutional laws the states have the right to nullify those laws. The states, they wrote, “are not united on the principle of unlimited submission to their general government” and “each party has an equal right to judge for itself, as well of infractions as of the mode and measure of redress.”

Nine states have passed resolutions reaffirming the principles of sovereignty under the Constitution and the 10th Amendment over the last year. The political opportunist Rick Perry exploited this trend last April at an anti-tax rally in Austin when he said Texans might get so fed up with the federal government they would want to leave the union. Democrats and other advocates of federal power over the states had a field day with Perry’s secession comment. “Talk of secession is an attack on our country. It can be nothing else. It is the ultimate anti-American statement,” declared Rep. Jim Dunnam of Waco.

Despite Mr. Dunnam’s contempt, a large number of Texans support the idea of states’ rights and even secession.

CNN and the corporate media have since used Perry’s comment as a lightning rod to portray constitutionalists as racist troglodytes. It is no mistake during the above clip CNN decided to show the consummate politician and opportunist Rick Perry parading around on horse back dressed in cowboy regalia. It underscores the stereotype of the white Southern massa lording over cotton field slaves. It reaffirms the racist narrative and attempts to drive people away from the sovereignty movement.

States’ rights as a not so subtle codeword for racism is now a corporate media talking point. In February, the teleprompter reader Chris Matthews at MSNBC compared Texan political candidate Debra Medina to John Calhoun after she defended the principles of interposition and nullification in response to the encroachments of the federal government.

None of this is accidental. It is imperative that the establishment attack the Constitution and the Bill of Rights if they are going to realize the globalist plan to merge our once proud constitutional republic into a world government. In addition to portraying the Constitution as a racist manifesto, they are attempting to criminalize the Tea Party and take down its political candidates.