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Looking at it one way:

Here is how to capture every non citizen inside of the United States and take them away to "Help Camps".

Title 4
Chapter 2
Act 412

Sec. 412. [8 U.S.C. 1522] (a) Conditions and Considerations.- (1) (A) In providing assistance under this section, the Director shall, to the extent of available appropriations, (i) make available sufficient resources for employment training and placement in order to achieve economic self-sufficiency among refugees as quickly as possible, (ii) provide refugees with the opportunity to acquire sufficient English language training to enable them to become effectively resettled as quickly as possible, (iii) insure that cash assistance is made available to refugees in such a m anner as not to discourage their economic self-sufficiency, in accordance with subsection (e)(2), and (iv) insure that women have the same opportunities as men to participate in training and instruction.

(B) It is the intent of Congress that in providing refugee assistance under this section-

(i) employable refugees should be placed on jobs as soon as possible after their arrival in the United States;

(ii) social service funds should be focused on employment-related services, English-as-a-second-language training (in non-work hours where possible), and case-management services; and

(iii) local voluntary agency activities should be conducted in close cooperation and advance consultation with State and local governments.

(2) (A) The Director and the Federal agency administering subsection (b)(1), shall consult regularly (not less often than quarterly) with State and local governments and private nonprofit voluntary agencies concerning the sponsorship process and the intended distribution of refugees among the States and localities before their placement in those States and localities.

(B) The Director shall develop and implement, in consultation with representatives of voluntary agencies and State and local governments, policies and strategies for the placement and resettlement of refugees within the United States.

(C) Such policies and strategies, to the extent practicable and except under such unusual circumstances as the Director may recognize, shall-

(i) insure that a refugee is not initially placed or resettled in an area highly impacted (as determined under regulations prescribed by the Director after consultation with such agencies and governments) by the presence of refugees or comparable populations unless the refugee has a spouse, parent, sibling, son, or daughter residing in that area,

(ii) provide for a mechanism whereby representatives of local affiliates of voluntary agencies regularly (not less often than quarterly) meet with representatives of State and local governments to plan and coordinate in advance of their arrival the appropriate placement of refugees among the various States and localities, and

(iii) take into account-

(I) the proportion of refugees and comparable entrants in the population in the area,

(II) the availability of employment opportunities, affordable housing, and public and private resources (including educational, health care, and mental health services) for refugees in the area,

(III) the likelihood of refugees placed in the area becoming self-sufficient and free from long-term dependence on public assistance, and

(IV) the secondary migration of refugees to and from the area that is likely to occur.

(D) With respect to the location of placement of refugees within a State, the Federal agency administering subsection (b)(1) shall, consistent with such policies and strategies and to the maximum extent possible, take into account recommendations of the State.

(3) In the provision of domestic assistance under this section, the Director shall make a periodic assessment, based on refugee population and other relevant factors, of the relative needs of refugees for assistance and services under this chapter and the resources available to meet such needs. The Director shall compile and maintain data on secondary migration of refugees within the United States and, by State of residence and nationality, on the proportion of refugees receiving cash or medical assistanc e described in subsection (e). In allocating resources, the Director shall avoid duplication of services and provide for maximum coordination between agencies providing related services.

(4) (A) No grant or contract may be awarded under this section unless an appropriate proposal and application (including a description of the agency's ability to perform the services specified in the proposal) are submitted to, and approved by, the appropriate administering official. Grants and contracts under this section shall be made to those agencies which the appropriate administering official determines can best perform the services. Payments may be made for activities authorized under this chapter in adv ance or by way of reimbursement. In carrying out this section, the Director, the Secretary of State, and such other appropriate administering official are authorized-

(i) to make loans, and

(ii) to accept and use money, funds, property, and services of any kind made available by gift, devise, bequest, grant, or otherwise for the purpose of carrying out this section.

(B) No funds may be made available under this chapter (other than under subsection (b)(1)) to States or political subdivisions in the form of block grants, per capita grants, or similar consolidated grants or contracts. Such funds shall be made available under separate grants or contracts-

(i) for medical screening and initial medical treatment under subsection (b)(5),

(ii) for services for refugees under subsection (c)(1),

(iii) for targeted assistance project grants under subsection (c)(2), and

(iv) for assistance for refugee children under subsection (d)(2).

(C) The Director may not delegate to a State or political subdivision his authority to review or approve grants or contracts under this chapter or the terms under which such grants or contracts are made.

(5) Assistance and services funded under this section shall be provided to refugees without regard to race, religion, nationality, sex, or political opinion.

(6) As a condition for receiving assistance under this section, a State must-

(A) submit to the Director a plan which provides-

(i) a description of how the State intends to encourage effective refugee resettlement and to promote economic self-sufficiency as quickly as possible,

(ii) a description of how the State will insure that language training and employment services are made available to refugees receiving cash assistance,

(iii) for the designation of an individual, employed by the State, who will be responsible for insuring coordination of public and private resources in refugee resettlement,

(iv) for the care and supervision of and legal responsibility for unaccompanied refugee children in the State, and

(v) for the identification of refugees who at the time of resettlement in the State are determined to have medical conditions requiring, or medical histories indicating a need for, treatment or observation and such monitoring of such treatment or observation as may be necessary;

(B) meet standards, goals, and priorities, developed by the Director, which assure the effective resettlement of refugees and which promote their economic self-sufficiency as quickly as possible and the efficient provision of services; and

(C) submit to the Director, within a reasonable period of time after the end of each fiscal year, a report on the uses of funds provided under this chapter which the State is responsible for administering.

(7) The Secretary, together with the Secretary of State with respect to assistance provided by the Secretary of State under subsection (b), shall develop a system of monitoring the assistance provided under this section. This system shall include-

(A) evaluations of the effectiveness of the programs funded under this section and the performance of States, grantees, and contractors;

(B) financial auditing and other appropriate monitoring to detect any fraud, abuse, or mismanagement in the operation of such programs; and

(C) data collection on the services provided and the results achieved.

(8) The Attorney General shall provide the Director with information supplied by refugees in conjunction with their applications to the Attorney General for adjustment of status, and the Director shall compile, summarize, and evaluate such information.

(9) The Secretary, the Secretary of Education, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of State may issue such regulations as each deems appropriate to carry out this chapter.

(10) For purposes of this chapter, the term "refugee" includes any alien described in section 207(c)(2) .

(b) Program of Initial Resettlement.- (1) (A) For-

(i) fiscal years 1980 and 1981, the Secretary of State is authorized, and

(ii) fiscal year 1982 and succeeding fiscal years, the Director (except as provided in subparagraph (B)) is authorized, to make grants to, and contracts with, public or private nonprofit agencies for initial resettlement (including initial reception and placement with sponsors) of refugees in the United States. Grants to, or contracts with, private nonprofit voluntary agencies under this paragraph shall be made consistent with the objectives of this chapter, taking into account the different resettlement approaches and practices of such agencies. Resettlement assistance under this paragraph shall be provided in coordination with the Director's provision of other assistance under this chapter. Funds provided to agencies under such grants and contracts may only be obligated or expended during the fiscal year in which they are provided (or the subsequent fiscal year or such subsequent fiscal period as the Federal contracting agency may approve) to carry out the purposes of this subsection.

(B) If the President determines that the Director should not administer the program under this paragraph, the authority of the Director under the first sentence of subparagraph (A) shall be exercised by such officer as the President shall from time to time specify. 1/

(2) The Director is authorized to develop programs for such orientation, instruction in English, and job training for refugees, and such other education and training of refugees, as facilitates their resettlement in the United States. The Director is authorized to implement such programs, in accordance with the provisions of this section, with respect to refugees in the United States. The Secretary of State is authorized to implement such programs with respect to refugees awaiting entry into the United Stat es.

(3) 2/ The Secretary is authorized to make arrangements (including cooperative arrangements with other Federal agencies) for the temporary care of refugees in the United States in emergency circumstances, including the establishment of processing centers, if necessary, without regard to such provisions of law (other than the Renegotiation Act of 1951 and section 414(b) of this chapter) regulating the making, performance, amendment, or modification of contracts and the expenditure of funds of the United States Gov ernment as the Secretary may specify.

(4) 3/ The Secretary shall-

(A) assure that an adequate number of trained staff are available at the location at which the refugees enter the United States to assure that all necessary medical records are available and in proper order;

(B) provide for the identification of refugees who have been determined to have medical conditions affecting the public health and requiring treatment;

(C) assure that State or local health officials at the resettlement destination within the United States of each refugee are promptly notified of the refugee's arrival and provided with all applicable medical records; and

(D) provide for such monitoring of refugees identified under subparagraph (B) as will insure that they receive appropriate and timely treatment.

The Secretary shall develop and implement methods for monitoring and assessing the quality of medical screening and related health services provided to refugees awaiting resettlement in the United States.

(5) The Director is authorized to make grants to, and enter into contracts with, State and local health agencies for payments to meet their costs of providing medical screening and initial medical treatment to refugees.

(6) The Comptroller General shall directly conduct an annual financial audit of funds expended under each grant or contract made under paragraph (1) for fiscal year 1986 and for fiscal year 1987.

(7) Each grant or contract with an agency under paragraph (1) shall require the agency to do the following:

(A) To provide quarterly performance and financial status reports to the Federal agency administering paragraph (1).

(B) (i) To provide, directly or through its local affiliate, notice to the appropriate county or other local welfare office at the time that the agency becomes aware that a refugee is offered employment and to provide notice to the refugee that such notice has been provided, and

(ii) upon request of such a welfare office to which a refugee has applied for cash assistance, to furnish that office with documentation respecting any cash or other resources provided directly by the agency to the refugee under this subsection.

(C) To assure that refugees, known to the agency as having been identified pursuant to paragraph (4)(B) as having medical conditions affecting the public health and requiring treatment, report to the appropriate county or other health agency upon their resettlement in an area.

(D) To fulfill its responsibility to provide for the basic needs (including food, clothing, shelter, and transportation for job interviews and training) of each refugee resettled and to develop and implement a resettlement plan including the early employment of each refugee resettled and to monitor the implementation of such plan.

(E) To transmit to the Federal agency administering paragraph (1) an annual report describing the following:

(i) The number of refugees placed (by county of placement) and the expenditures made in the year under the grant or contract, including the proportion of such expenditures used for administrative purposes and for provision of services.

(ii) The proportion of refugees placed by the agency in the previous year who are receiving cash or medical assistance described in subsection (e).

(iii) The efforts made by the agency to monitor placement of the refugees and the activities of local affiliates of the agency.

(iv) The extent to which the agency has coordinated its activities with local social service providers in a manner which avoids duplication of activities and has provided notices to local welfare offices and the reporting of medical conditions of certain aliens to local health departments in accordance with subparagraphs (B)(i) and (C).

(v) Such other information as the agency administering paragraph (1) deems to be appropriate in monitoring the effectiveness of agencies in carrying out their functions under such grants and contracts.

The agency administering paragraph (1) shall promptly forward a copy of each annual report transmitted under subparagraph (E) to the Committees on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives and of the Senate,

(8) The Federal agency administering paragraph (1) shall establish criteria for the performance of agencies under grants and contracts under that paragraph, and shall include criteria relating to an agency's-

(A) efforts to reduce welfare dependency among refugees resettled by that agency,

(B) collection of travel loans made to refugees resettled by that agency for travel to the United States,

(C) arranging for effective local sponsorship and other nonpublic assistance for refugees resettled by that agency,

(D) cooperation with refugee mutual assistance associations, local social service providers, health agencies, and welfare offices,

(E) compliance with the guidelines established by the Director for the placement and resettlement of refugees within the United States, and

(F) compliance with other requirements contained in the grant or contract, including the reporting and other requirements under subsection (b)(7).

The Federal administering agency shall use the criteria in the process of awarding or renewing grants and contracts under paragraph (1).

Government Declares New Crime: “Food Hoarding”

by Jeff Davis

Apparently our lords and masters know something we don’t about just how bad the coming “recession” (read Depression) is going to be. Most of us expect new gun laws. Obama has been sufficiently perturbed by a huge increase in gun sales to comment on this in public. One news article notes “As gun sales shoot up around the country, President-elect Barack Obama said Sunday that gun-owning Americans do not need to rush out and stock up before he is sworn in next month. ‘I believe in common-sense gun safety laws, and I believe in the second amendment…’ ”

Unfortunately in the mind of a liberal, a “common sense” gun law will probably ban 90 percent of the currently legal firearms. We all know how “devoted” Barack Obama is to the truth and how much we can rely on what he says. His first book (possibly ghost written by Bill Ayers) paints a rosy picture of his father, a man he met only once. In reality his father was a polygamist, who was already married when he met 17 year old Ann Dunham, Barack’s mother, in a Russian language class (which they were probably taking because they were both very sympathetic to Communism).

It’s not entirely clear if this massive gun-buying spree is due to (1).fears that many guns will be outlawed, (2).fears that Obama will build a leftist police state here in America or (3).fears that the economy will so thoroughly collapse that Americans will have to protect their homes and stockpiles of food with those guns. Maybe it’s all of the above.

Speaking of stockpiling food, the Christian World View Network website reports “Ohio authorities stormed a farm house in LaGrange Monday, December 1, to execute a search warrant, holding Jacqueline and John Stowers and their son and young grandchildren at gunpoint for nine hours. During the raid the Ohio Department of Agriculture and police confiscated over ten thousand dollars worth of food, computers and cell phones. The Stowers’ crime? They run a private, members-only food co-op… While state authorities were looking for evidence of illegal activities, the family was not informed what crime they were suspected of, they were not read their rights or allowed to make a phone call. The children, some as young as toddlers, were traumatized by armed officers interrogating the adults with guns drawn. The Morning Journal, a newspaper serving northern Ohio, reported that the Stowers were believed to be operating without a license. However, the Stowers claim that the food co-op they run does not engage in any activities that would require state licensing. Friends of the Stowers openly question why such aggressive tactics were necessary to investigate a licensing complaint.”

That seems to be the only way the Federal government knows how to operate –tyrannical overreaction and total disrespect for law-abiding White Americans. At Waco, the Feds could have questioned David Koresh while he was out buying things in town or they could have drove up while he was out jogging. Who knows what paranoid motivation caused the BATF to go storming the Branch Davidian compound while the leftist Clinton regime was in power? Who knows what similar atrocities may take place place when Obama becomes president? Has he given Janet Reno a job yet?

The article continues: “The Ohio Department of Agriculture has apparently been chastised by the courts in previous cases for over-reach, including entrapment of an Amish man to sell raw milk, which backfired, when it became known that the man gave milk instead of selling it to a state undercover agent, refusing to take money for what he believed to be a charitable act. The Amish literally interpret the Gospel of Matthew (5:42) to ‘give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.’ The matter has been forwarded to the Lorain County Prosecutor’s Office and the Lorain County General Health District according to Lorain County court records.”

One thing we learned at Ruby Ridge, at Waco, and during the Montana Freemen incident, which all you “survivalists” out there need to sit up and pay attention to, is that the System will not allow you to opt out or withdraw, or disconnect yourselves or your children from the mainstream news and “culture.” In fact, there’s a growing movement among liberals to outlaw home-schooling so that all those White school children are forced to go to the nearest public school, no matter how many minority gang members, it has, or how likely it is that young Johnny will wind up stabbed on the playground.

The “food raids” on these people in Ohio whose sole crime seems to have been to produce and store food without a “license” and without sufficient government control must seem bizarre to most people who hear of them for the first time. The truth is that things are going to get much worse before they get better –if they get better. The people stockpiling guns are right. Ordinary Americans will probably need those guns if they want to keep their property. It’s a little shocking to see the government acting against “food hoarding” this early. Just how bad do THEY think it’s going to get in the next four years?

Executive Order 11051

Executive Orders Relating to National Emergencies

Executive Order 11051


WHEREAS national preparedness must be achieved and maintained to support such varying degrees of mobilization as may be required to deal with increases in international tension, with limited war, or with general war including attack upon the United States; and WHEREAS the national security and our continuing economic growth and prosperity are interdependent, appropriate attention must be directed to effective coordination of emergency preparedness measures with national economic policies and objectives; and WHEREAS mobilization readiness and civil defense activities can be accomplished most effectively and efficiently through the performance by departments and agencies of the Government of those emergency preparedness functions related to their established roles and capabilities; and WHEREAS responsibility for emergency preparedness involves virtually every agency of the Federal Government, and there is need to provide a central point of leadership and coordination in the Executive Office of the President: NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, including the authorities contained in the National Security Act of 1947, the Defense Production Act of 1950 (50 U.S.C. App. 2061 et seq.), the Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950 (50 U.S.C. App. 2251 et seq.), and other authorities of law vested in me pursuant to Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1958 (72 Stat. 1799), and also including the authority vested in me by the provisions of Section 301 of title 3 of the United States Code, it is hereby ordered as follows:


SECTION 101. Resume of responsibilities. The Director of the Office of Emergency Planning (hereinafter referred to as the Director) shall:
(a) Advise and assist the President in the coordination of and in the determination of policy for the emergency plans and preparedness assignments of the Federal departments and agencies (hereinafter referred to as Federal agencies) designed to make possible at Federal, State and local levels the mobilization of the human, natural and industrial resources of the nation to meet all conditions of national emergency, including attack on the United States.

(b) Under the direction of the President, be responsible for the preparation of nonmilitary plans and preparedness programs with respect to organization and functioning of the Federal Government under emergency conditions and with respect to specific areas of Federal activity necessary in time of war which are neither performed in the normal operations of the regular departments and agencies nor assigned thereto by or under the authority of the President.

(c) Perform such other functions as are vested in him by law or are by this order, or by orders referred to in this order, delegated or otherwise assigned to him.

(d) Perform such additional functions as the President may from time to time direct.

SEC. 201. General.
(a) The Director shall advise and assist the President in
(1) the development of planning assumptions and broad emergency preparedness objectives with respect to various conditions of national emergency,

(2) the development of policies and procedures to determine the relationship between available supplies of the nation's resources and the requirements of military, foreign, and essential civilian programs, including those of civil defense,

(3) the development of policies, programs, and control systems designed to deal with supply deficiencies and to meet effectively the most urgent requirements for those resources in the interests of national defense, and

(4) coordinating the governmental programs designed to achieve these ends.
(b) The Director shall advise and assist the President with respect to resolving any issues, related to emergency preparedness responsibilities of Federal agencies, which arise between two or more such agencies.
SEC. 202. Resources and Requirements. The Director shall provide policy guidance to the heads of Federal agencies having resource mobilization or claimancy responsibilities to assist them in
(1) the development and submission of estimated military and foreign as well as industrial and consumer requirements,

(2) the development of resource supply estimates; and

(3) the periodic evaluation of requirements estimates in relation to estimates of availability of resources from all sources.
SEC. 203. Central program determination. The Director shall develop an overall emergency system for reaching central program decisions for the utilization of resources on the basis that he will have the responsibility for making such central decisions in the initial period of an emergency. This system shall include uniform criteria and procedures for:
(a) The development by each Federal agency of the amounts and types of resources which it must claim in order to meet the requirements of its planned programs;

(b) The central consideration of the supply-requirements evaluations of planned programs;

(c) The central determination of major resource utilization programs under varied conditions of national emergency on a relative urgency basis and central direction for the adjustment of agency programs consistent with such determinations; and

(d) The decentralization of controls if required by emergency conditions.
SEC. 204. Control systems. The Director shall develop policies and procedures for the coordinated application by Federal agencies, in time of emergency, of priorities, allocations, and other resource control and distribution systems (including a system for the rationing of consumer goods) for the conduct of approved major programs.

SEC. 205. Research. The Director shall develop, maintain, and conduct a central research planning program for emergency preparedness purposes. The Director shall maintain, with the participation and support of Federal agencies concerned, a national resources evaluation capability for predicting and monitoring the status of resources under all degrees of emergency, for identifying resource deficiencies and feasible production programs and for supplying resource evaluations at national and subordinate levels to support mobilization base planning, continuity of government, resource management and economic recovery.

SEC. 206. Dispersal and protection of facilities.
(a) The Director, after consultation with the appropriate Federal agencies, shall advise the President concerning the strategic relocation of industries, services, government and economic activities, the operations of which are essential to the nation's security. He shall coordinate the efforts of Federal agencies with respect to the application of the principle of geographic dispersal of certain industrial facilities, both government-and privately-owned, in the interest of national defense.

(b) The Director, under authority of, and in accordance with the provisions of, Executive Order No. 10421 of December 31, 1952, shall perform functions in respect of the physical security of facilities important to the national defense.

(c) In addition, the Director shall review all measures being taken by the Federal agencies with respect to the physical security and protection of facilities important to defense mobilization, defense production, civil defense or the essential civilian economy, including those under the provisions of emergency preparedness assignments to such agencies and shall recommend to the President such actions as are necessary to strengthen such measures.
SEC. 207. Civil defense.
(a) Under authority of the provisions of Section 2 of Executive Order No. 10952 of July 20, 1961, and as there prescribed, the Director shall advise and assist the President, and shall perform other functions, in respect of civil defense.

(b) Under authority of, and in accordance with the provisions of, Executive Order No. 10958 of August 14, 1961, the Director shall advise and assist the President with respect to the stockpiling of food and medical supplies.

(c) The Director shall advise and assist the President with respect to the need for stockpiling various items essential to the survival of the population, additional to food and medical supplies, and with respect to programs for the acquisition, storage, and maintenance of such stockpiles.
SEC. 208. Federal-State relations.
(a) The Director shall represent the President in working with State Governors to stimulate vigorous State and local participation in emergency preparedness measures.

(b) He shall provide advice and guidance to the States with regard to preparations for the continuity of State and local civilian political authority in the event of nuclear attack on the United States which shall include, but not be limited to, programs for maintaining lines of succession to office, safekeeping of essential records, provision for alternate sites of government, the protection and effective use of government resources, personnel, and facilities, and interstate compacts and reciprocal legislation relating to emergency preparedness.

(c) He shall assist the President in achieving a coordinated working relationship between the various elements of State governments and the Federal agencies to which specific emergency preparedness functions have been assigned pursuant to statute or Executive order.

(d) The civil defense activities involved in the functions prescribed by the foregoing provisions of this section shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Section 2 of Executive Order No. 10952 of July 20, 1961.
SEC. 209. Review and evaluation. The Director shall from time to time furnish the President overall reports and recommendations concerning the emergency preparedness programs, including the state of preparedness of Federal, State, and local governments to carry out their emergency functions.


SEC. 301. General. Under the direction of the President, the Director shall have primary responsibility
(1) for planning assumptions and broad nonmilitary emergency preparedness objectives,

(2) for planning the nonmilitary organization and functioning of the Federal Government in time of national emergency,

(3) for developing, in association with interested agencies, the emergency planning, including making recommendations to the President as to the appropriate roles of Federal agencies, in currently unassigned matters, such as, but not necessarily limited to, economic stabilization, economic warfare, emergency information, and wartime censorship,

(4) for planning for the emergency mobilization of telecommunications resources, and

(5) for the development of nonmilitary policies and programs for use in the event of enemy attack on the United States designed to restore the national defense potential of the nation.
SEC. 302. Emergency organization. The Director, in consultation with the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, shall plan for the organization and functioning of the Federal Government in an emergency, including provisions for the central direction of all emergency mobilization activities and the creation of such emergency agencies as may be required for the conduct of emergency activities including those within the normal jurisdiction of existing agencies. Plans shall provide for maximum practicable reliance to be placed on existing Federal agencies with competence in emergency operations and, as best may be, shall be harmonious with related operations of the Government as a whole.

SEC. 303. Emergency authorities. The Director shall provide for the prompt exercise of Federal emergency authority through the advance preparation of such proposed legislation, Executive orders, rules, regulations, and directives as would be necessary to put into effect operating programs appropriate to the emergency situation.

SEC. 304. Continuity of Federal Government. The Director shall develop policies and plans to assure the continuity of essential Federal Government activities through programs to provide for lines of succession to office, safekeeping of essential records, alternate sites for Government operations, and the protection and effective use of Government resources, personnel, and facilities.

SEC. 305. Executive Reserve. The Director, under authority of, and in accordance with the provisions of, Executive Order No. 10660 of February 15, 1956, shall develop policies and plans for the provision of an Executive Reserve of personnel capable of filling executive positions in the Government in time of emergency.

SEC. 306. Emergency telecommunications. The Director shall be responsible for
(1) planning for the mobilization of the nation's telecommunications resources in time of national emergency, and

(2) carrying out, under the authority of, and in accordance with the provisions of, Executive Order No. 10705 of April 17, 1957, the functions thereby delegated or otherwise assigned to him. SEC. 307. Post-attack recovery. Under the direction of the President, the Director, with the cooperation and assistance of the Federal agencies, shall develop policies, plans, and programs designed to provide for the rapid restoration after an attack on the United States of a national capability to support a strong national defense effort.

SEC. 401. Defense production. Under the authority of, and in accordance with the provisions of, Executive Order No. 10480 of August 14, 1953, the Director shall perform the functions thereby delegated or otherwise assigned to him.

SEC. 402. Strategic and critical materials stockpiling.

(a) There are hereby delegated to the Director all those functions under the Strategic and Critical Materials Stockpiling Act (50 U.S.C. 98 et seq.), under Section 4(h) of the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act (15 U.S.C. 714b(h)), and under Section 204(f) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 (40 U.S.C. 485 (f)), which were transferred to the President by the provisions of Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1958 (72 Stat. 1799).

(b) The Director, under the provisions of the said Strategic and Critical Materials Stockpiling Act, shall determine which materials are strategic and critical and the quality and quantity of such materials which shall be stockpiled, and shall direct the General Services Administration in the purchase, storage, refinement, rotation, and disposal of materials.

(c) The Director is hereby designated as an agency under and for the purposes of the provisions of clause (b) of Section 5 of the Strategic and Critical Materials Stockpiling Act (50 U.S.C. 98d (clause (b))); and, accordingly, in the event of enemy attack upon the United States the Director is authorized and directed to order the release by the Administrator of General Services of such materials from stockpiles established under the said Act, in such quantities, for such uses, and on such terms and conditions, as the Director determines to be necessary in the interests of the national defense.

SEC. 403. Supplemental stockpile. The Director, under authority of the provisions of Section 4(d) (2) of Executive Order No. 10900 of January 6, 1961, shall determine from time to time the materials to be contracted for or purchased for a supplemental stockpile with foreign currencies pursuant to the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954 (7 U.S.C. 1704(b)). SEC. 404. Imports threatening the national security.
(a) The Director, under the authority of, and in accordance with the provisions of, Section 2 of the Act of July 1, 1954 (68 Stat. 360; 19 U.S.C. 1352a), shall make appropriate investigations of the effects of imports on the national security and shall advise the President of any case in which the Director is of the opinion that an article is being imported into the United States in such quantities or under such circumstances as to threaten to impair the national security.

(b) The Director, under authority of, and in accordance with the provisions of, Section 3 (d) of Executive Order No. 10582 of December 17, 1954, shall furnish advice to procuring agencies with respect to the rejection of bids or offers to furnish materials of foreign origin on the ground that such rejection is necessary to protect essential national security interests.
SEC. 405. Disaster relief. The Director, under authority of, and in accordance with the provisions of, Executive Order No. 10427 of January 16, 1953, and Executive Order No. 10737 of October 29, 1957, shall exercise authority under the Act of September 30, 1950, entitled "An Act to authorize Federal assistance to States and local governments in major disasters, and for other purposes" (42 U.S.C. 1855 et seq.).

SEC. 406. Telecommunications. Under authority of, and in accordance with the provisions of, Executive Order No. 10995 of February 16, 1962, the Director shall perform functions in respect of telecommunications.


SEC. 501. Rules and regulations. In carrying out his responsibilities under this order, the Director is authorized to issue such rules and regulations, and directives, consonant with law and Executive order, as he deems necessary and appropriate to the functions involved.

SEC. 502. Boards and committees. The Director is hereby authorized to establish in headquarters and in the field such boards and committees as he deems necessary to advise him in the conduct of activities outlined herein.

SEC. 503. Certain additional authorities.
(a) There are hereby delegated to the Director all those now-existing functions under the National Security Act of 1947 which were transferred to the President by the provisions of Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1958 (72 Stat. 1799).

(b) In performing the functions under the Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950 assigned to him, and subject to applicable provisions of Executive orders, the Director is authorized to exercise the authority conferred by Title IV of that Act. The foregoing provision of this subsection shall not be deemed to derogate from any authority under Title IV heretofore available to the Secretary of Defense.
SEC. 504. Reports. The Director is authorized to require from Federal agencies such statistical data and progress reports at such intervals as he deems necessary to discharge his responsibilities under this order.

SEC. 505. Prior actions. All orders, regulations, rulings, certificates, directives, and other actions relating to any function affected by this order shall remain in effect except as they are inconsistent herewith or are hereafter amended or revoked under proper authority, and nothing in this order shall affect the validity or force of anything done under previous delegations or other assignments of the functions affected by this order.

SEC. 506. Executive Order 11030. Nothing in this order or in any order amended by this order shall derogate from the provisions of Executive Order No. 11030 of June 19, 1962.

SEC. 507. References to orders and Acts. Except as may for any reason be inappropriate, references in this order to any other Executive order or to any Act, and references in this order or in any other Executive order to this order, shall be deemed to include references thereto, respectively, as amended from time to time.


SEC. 601. General amendments. Each reference to the Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization or to the Director of the Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization in the following is hereby amended to refer to the Office of Emergency Planning and the Director of the Office of Emergency Planning, respectively:
(1) Executive Order No. 10296 of October 2, 1951

(2) Executive Order No. 10312 of December 10, 1951

(3) Executive Order No. 10346 of April 17, 1952 (penultimate sentence of Section 2, only)

(4) Executive Order No. 10421 of December 31, 1952

(5) Executive Order No. 10427 of January 16, 1953

(6) Executive Order No. 10480 of August 14, 1953

(7) Executive Order No. 10494 of October 14, 1953

(8) Executive Order No. 10601 of March 21, 1955

(9) Executive Order No. 10634 of August 25, 1955

(10) Executive Order No. 10660 of February 15, 1956

(11) Executive Order No. 10705 of April 17, 1957

(12) Executive Order No. 10737 of October 29, 1957

(13) Executive Order No. 10900 of January 5, 1961

(14) Executive Order No. 10952 of July 20, 1961

(15) Executive Order No. 10958 of August 14, 1961

(16) Proclamation No. 3279 of March 10, 1959 SEC. 602. Executive Order 10242. Executive Order No. 10242 of May 8, 1951, is hereby amended:
(1) By deleting from subsection 101(a) thereof the following: "upon the Director of the Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization, hereinafter referred to as the Director,".

(2) By deleting from Sections 101(c), 101(d), 102, 103, 104, 106 (preamble), 201, and 301 the following: "upon the Director of the Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization".

(3) By substituting for the words "the Director of the Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization", at each place where they occur in the order and are not deleted or otherwise amended by this order, the following: 'the delegate of the President".

(4) By substituting for the words shall not be delegated" in sub-section 101 (d) the following: "shall not be redelegated by the delegate of the President".

(5) By adding after Section 106 new Sections 107, 108, and 109, reading as follows: "SEC. 107. The words "the delegate of the President' as used in this order: "(1) In respect of functions under the Act delegated or otherwise assigned to the Secretary of Defense, mean the Secretary of Defense. "(2) In respect of functions delegated or otherwise assigned to the Director of the Office of Emergency Planning, mean the Director of the Office of Emergency Planning. "SEC. 108. The authority conferred by Section 401(a) of the Act to employ part-time or temporary advisory personnel deemed necessary in carrying out the provisions of the Act, and delegated by the provisions of Section 101 (a) of this order, shall be available as follows: (1) To the Secretary of Defense in respect of not to exceed eighty personnel (including not to exceed twenty subjects of the United Kingdom and Canada), and (2) to the Director of the Office of Emergency Planning in respect of not to exceed twenty personnel (including not to exceed five subjects of the United Kingdom and Canada). "SEC. 109. The relevant provisions of this Part shall be subject to the provisions of the Memorandum of the President, pertaining to conflicts of interest, dated February 9, 1962 (27 F.R. 1341ff.)."

(6) By amending Section 401 to read as follows: "SEC. 401. The approval of the President is hereby given for the employment of retired personnel of the armed services, pursuant to the provisions of subsection 401(a) of the Act as follows: (1) By the Secretary of Defense, not to exceed twenty persons, and (2) by the Director of the Office of Emergency Planning, not to exceed five persons."
SEC. 603. Other orders.
(a) Executive Order No. 10260 of June 27, 1951, is hereby amended by striking from Section 1 thereof the following: "Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization, the".

(b) Executive Order No. 10346 of April 17, 1952, is hereby amended by substituting for the reference therein to the Director of the Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization, and for each reference therein to the Office and Defense Mobilization except that in the penultimate sentence of Section 2, the following: "the Office of Emergency Planning or the Department of Defense or both, as may be determined under the provisions of appropriate Executive orders".

(c) Executive Order No. 10421 of December 31, 1952, is hereby amended by inserting before the period at the end of Section 3 (b) (9) thereof a comma and the following: "including recommendations as to actions necessary to strengthen the program provided for in this order".

(d) Executive Order No. 10529 of April 22, 1954, is hereby amended by substituting for each reference therein to the Director of the Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization the following: "the Director of the Office of Emergency Planning or the Secretary of Defense or both as may be determined under appropriate Executive orders".

(e) Executive Order No. 10582 of December 17, 1954, is hereby amended by striking from Section 3

(d) thereof the words "from any officer of the Government designated by the President to furnish such advice" and by inserting in lieu of the stricken words the following: "from the Director of the Office of Emergency Planning. In providing this advice the Director shall be governed by the principle that exceptions under this section shall be made only upon a clear showing that the payment of a greater differential than the procedures of this section generally prescribe is justified by consideration of national security".

(f) Executive Order No. 10789 of November 14, 1958, is hereby amended by striking from Section 21 thereof the words "Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization".
SEC. 604. Superseded orders. To the extent that the following have not heretofore been made or become inapplicable, they are hereby superseded and revoked:
(1) Executive Order No. 9981 of July 26, 1948

(2) Executive Order No. 10219 of February 28, 1951

(3) Executive Order No. 10269 of July 6, 1951

(4) Executive Order No. 10438 of March 13, 1953

(5) Executive Order No. 10461 of June 17, 1953

(6) Executive Order No. 10524 of March, 31, 1954

(7) Executive Order No. 10539 of June 22, 1954 (without prejudice to final liquidation of any affairs thereunder)

(8) Executive Order No. 10638 of October 10, 1955

(9) Executive Order No. 10773 of July 1, 1958

(10) Executive Order No. 10782 of September 6, 1958

(11) Executive Order No. 10902 of January 9, 1961
THE WHITE HOUSE, September 27, 1962

Executive Order 11005

Executive Orders Relating to National Emergencies

Executive Order 11005


By virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, including authority vested in me by Reorganization Plan No. l of 1958 (72 Stat. 1799), it is hereby ordered as follows:

SECTION 1. Scope. The Interstate Commerce Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Commission shall prepare national emergency plans and develop preparedness programs covering railroad utilization, reduction of vulnerability, maintenance, restoration, and operation in an emergency; motor carrier utilization, reduction of vulnerability, and operation in an emergency; inland waterway mutilization of equipment and shipping, reduction of vulnerability, and operation in an emergency, excepting the St. Lawrence Seaway; and also provide guidance and consultation to domestic surface transportation and storage industries, as defined below, regarding emergency preparedness measures, and to States regarding development of their transportation plans in assigned areas. These plans and programs will be designed to develop a state of readiness in these areas with respect to all conditions of national emergency, including attack upon the United States.

SEC. 2. Definitions. As used in this order: "Domestic surface transportation and storage" means rail, motor, and inland water transportation facilities and services and public storage. "Public storage" as used herein includes warehouses and other places which are used for the storage of property belonging to persons other than the persons having the ownership or control of such premises. "Inland water transportation" includes shipping on all inland waterways and Great Lakes shipping engaged solely in the transportation of passengers or cargo between United States ports on the Great Lakes. Specifically excluded, for the purposes of this order, are petroleum and gas pipelines, petroleum and gas storage, agricultural and food resources storage, including the cold storage of food resources, the St. Lawrence Seaway, ocean ports and Great Lakes ports and port facilities, highways, streets, roads, bridges, and related appurtenances, maintenance of inland waterways, and any transportation owned by or pre-allocated to the military.

SEC. 3. Transportation Functions. The Commission shall:
(a) Requirements. Periodically assemble, develop as appropriate, and evaluate requirements for domestic surface transportation and storage in an emergency, taking into account estimated needs for military as well as civilian purposes. Such evaluation shall take into consideration distribution of requirements under emergency conditions.

(b) Resources. Periodically assess assigned resources available from all sources in order to estimate availability under an emergency situation, analyze resource estimates in relation to estimated requirements in order to identify problem areas and develop appropriate recommendations and programs. Provide data and assistance before and after attack for national resource evaluation purposes of the Office of Emergency Planning.

(c) Claimancy. Prepare plans to claim material, equipment, manpower, supplies, and services needed to carry out assigned responsibilities and other essential functions of the Commission before the appropriate agency, and work with such agencies in developing programs to insure availability of such resources in an emergency.

(d) Priorities and allocations. Prepare plans for the allocation of the use of domestic surface transportation and storage by operators and users, and to administer such priorities systems as may be necessary to insure expeditious movement of essential freight and passengers (including designation of priorities on traffic in transit through port areas between domestic surface points) subject to determination of designated authorities as to degree of essentially and relative priority of the activity served.

(e) Control. Develop plans with appropriate private transportation and storage organizations and associations for the coordination and direction of the use of domestic surface transportation and storage facilities for movement of passenger and freight traffic.

(f) Emergency operations. Develop a system for keeping informed as to operational conditions and capabilities throughout the domestic surface transportation and storage industry including the intensities of chemical, biological, radiological (CBR) contamination along and on the appropriate ways and terminals and the consequent interdiction occasioned by it, and prepare plans to take such actions as are necessary to avoid conflicts, overcome "bottle-necks," effect conservation, decrease waste, and speed turn-arounds. Develop and maintain necessary orders and regulations for the operation of domestic surface transport and storage industries in an emergency.

(g) Salvage and rehabilitation. Develop plans for salvage of domestic surface transportation and storage equipment and rehabilitation including decontamination of appropriate terminals, rights of way, equipment, and shops after attack.

(h) National program guidance. Develop plans and issue guidance designed to utilize to the maximum extent the existing nonmilitary facilities, technical competence, and resources of the Federal Government, the States and local political subdivisions thereof, and non-governmental organizations and systems engaged in domestic surface transportation and storage activities to promote the effective and safe use and maintenance of transportation facilities, equipment, and services in an emergency.

(i) Stockpiles. Assist the office of Emergency Planning in formulating and carrying out plans for the stockpiling of strategic and critical materials and items necessary to the maintenance of a domestic surface transportation and storage capability in an emergency.

(j) Economic stabilization. Cooperate with the office of Emergency Planning in the development of economic stabilization policies as they affect domestic surface transportation and storage programs in an emergency.

(k) Financial aid. Develop plans and procedures for financial and credit assistance to domestic surface transportation and storage organizations that might need such assistance in various mobilization conditions, particularly those resulting from attack.
SEC. 4. Cooperation with Department of Defense. In consonance with national civil defense plans, programs, and operations of the Department of Defense under Executive order 10952, the Commission shall:
(a) Chemical, biological, and radiological warfare defense. Develop plans to participate with Federal, State, and local, and nongovernmental chemical, biological and radiological defense units in the detection and the assessment of chemical, biological and radiological contaminants, and participate in plans for decontamination operations.

(b) Facilities protection. Provide industry protection and guidance material adapted to the needs of industries concerned and promote a national program to stimulate disaster preparedness and control in order to minimize the effects of overt or covert attack on domestic surface transportation and storage facilities. Guidance shall include but not be limited to organization and training of facility employees, personnel shelter, evacuation and relocation plans, records protection, continuity of management, emergency repair and recovery of facilities, deconcentration and dispersal of facilities and equipment, and mutual aid associations for emergency.

(c) Damage assessment. Maintain a capability to assess the effects of attack on all domestic surface transportation and storage facilities essential to safe and effective surface transportation in a national emergency, and to provide data to the Department of Defense.
SEC. 5. Research. Within the framework of the over-all Federal research objectives, the Commission shall supervise or conduct research in areas directly concerned with carrying responsibilities, assigned emergency preparedness responsibilities, designate representatives for necessary ad hoc or task force groups, and provide advice and assistance to other agencies in planning for research in areas involving the Commission's interest.

SEC. 6. Functional Guidance. The Commission, in carrying out the functions assigned in this order, shall be guided by the following:
(a) Interagency cooperation. The Commission shall assume the initiative in developing joint plans for the coordination; of emergency domestic surface transportation and storage programs of those departments and agencies having responsibility for any segment of such activity. It shall utilize to the maximum those capabilities of other agencies qualified to perform or assist in the performance of assigned functions by contractual or other agreements.

(b) Presidential coordination. The Director of the office of Emergency Planning shall advise and assist the President in determining policy for, and assist him in coordinating the performance of functions under this order with the total national preparedness program.

(c) Emergency planning. Emergency plans and programs, and emergency organization structure required thereby, shall be developed as an integral part of the continuing activities of the Commission on the basis that it will have tile responsibility for carrying out such programs during an emergency. The Commission shall be prepared to implement all appropriate plans developed under this order. Modifications and temporary organizational changes, based on emergency conditions, will be in accordance with policy determination by the President.
SEC. 7. Emergency Actions. Nothing in this order shall be construed as conferring authority under Title III of the Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950, as amended, or otherwise, to put into effect any emergency plan, procedure, policy, program, or course of action prepared or developed pursuant to this order. Such authority is reserved to the President.

SEC. 8. Redelegation. The Commission is hereby authorized to redelegate within the Interstate Commerce Commission the functions hereinabove assigned to it.

SEC. 9. Prior Actions. To the extent of any inconsistency between the provisions of any prior order and the provisions of this order, the latter shall control. Emergency Preparedness Order No. 15 (heretofore issued by the Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization) (26 F.R. 838-839), is hereby revoked.
THE WHITE HOUSE, February 16, 1962

Executive Order 11004

Executive Orders Relating to National Emergencies

Executive Order 11004


By virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, including authority vested in me by Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1958 (72 Stat. 1799), it is hereby ordered as follows:

SECTION 1. Scope. The Housing and Home Finance Administrator (hereinafter referred to as the Administrator) shall prepare national emergency plans and develop preparedness programs covering all aspects of lodging or housing and community facilities related thereto. These plans and programs shall be designed to develop a state of readiness in these areas with respect to all conditions of national emergency, including attack upon the United States.

SEC. 2. Housing Functions. The Administrator shall:
(a) New housing. Develop plans for the construction and management of new housing and the community facilities related thereto, when and where it is determined to be necessary with public funds through direct Federal action; or the construction of new housing through financial or credit assistance, in support of production programs.

(b) Communities. Develop plans for the selection, acquisition, development, and disposal of areas for civilian uses in new, expanded, restored, or relocated communities; and for the construction of housing for new or restored communities.

(c) Resources. Periodically assess assigned resources available from all sources in order to estimate availability under an emergency situation, analyze resource estimates in relation to estimated requirements in order to identify problem areas and develop appropriate recommendations and programs. Provide data and assistance, before and after attack for national resources evaluation purposes of the Office of Emergency Planning.

(d) Priorities. Develop standards and priorities for guidance of States and communities in making maximum use of and allocating available housing resources.

(e) Requirements. Periodically assemble, develop as appropriate, and evaluate requirements with respect to assigned resources and services. Such estimates shall take into consideration the geographical distribution of requirements under emergency conditions.

(f) Claimancy. Prepare plans to claim materials, manpower, equipment, supplies, and services needed in support of assigned responsibilities and other essential functions of the agency from appropriate agencies, and work with such agencies in developing programs to insure availability of such resources in an emergency.

(g) Distribution. Develop allocation and distribution control systems consistent with the priorities and allocations procedures prescribed by the Department of Commerce for materials and equipment needed for housing, and develop programs for the domestic distribution and use of mobile lodging facilities in an emergency.

(h) Stockpiles. Assist the Office of Emergency Planning in formulating and carrying out plans for stockpiling of strategic and critical materials, and survival items in the housing field.

(i) Economic stabilization. Cooperate with the Office of Emergency Planning and the Federal financial agencies in the development of preparedness measures involving emergency financing, real estate credit, and rent stabilization.
SEC. 3. Cooperation with Department of Defense. In consonance with national civil defense plans, programs, and operations of the Department of Defense under Executive Order No. 10952, the Administrator shall:
(a) Billeting. Develop plans for a billeting program, including advice and guidance for State and local government agencies in the administration thereof. The Secretary of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare shall incorporate billeting plans in the general welfare guidance program for States.

(b) Temporary housing. Develop plans for the emergency repair and restoration to use of damaged housing, for the construction and management of emergency housing units and the community facilities related thereto, and for the emergency conversion to dwelling use of non-residential structures with public funds through direct Federal action or through financial or credit assistance.

(c) Population movement. Participate in the preparation of plans for determining which areas are to be restored and in the development and coordination of plans for the movement of people on a temporary basis from areas to be abandoned to areas where housing is available or can be made available.

(d) Shelter. Assist in the development of plans to encourage the construction of fallout shelters for both old and new housing in conformance to the national shelter policy.

(e) Vulnerability. Participate in promoting the dispersal of new or expanding communities and government installations in conformance to national vulnerability reduction policy.

(f) Damage assessment. Maintain a capability to assess the effects of attack on housing resources, both at national and field levels, and provide data assistance to the Department of Defense.
SEC. 4. Research. Within the framework of overall Federal research objectives the Administrator shall supervise or conduct research directly concerned with carrying out emergency preparedness responsibilities, designate representatives for necessary ad hoc or task force groups, and provide advice and assistance to other agencies in planning for research in areas involving the agency's interests.

SEC. 5. Functional Guidance. The Administrator, in carrying out the functions assigned in this order, shall be guided by the following:
(a) Interagency cooperation. The Administrator shall assume the initiative in developing joint plans for the coordination of civilian housing emergency programs of those departments and agencies which normally have responsibilities for any segment of such activities. He shall utilize to the maximum those capabilities of other agencies qualified to perform or assist in the performance of assigned functions by contractual or other agreements.

(b) Presidential coordination. The Director of the Office of Emergency Planning shall advise and assist the President in determining policy for,and assist him in coordinating the performance of functions under this order with the total national preparedness program. (c) Emergency planning. Emergency plans and programs, and emergency organization structure required thereby, shall be developed as an integral part of the continuing activities of the Housing and Home Finance Agency on the basis that it will have the responsibility for carrying out such programs during an emergency. The Administrator shall be prepared to implement all appropriate plans developed under this order. Modifications and temporary organizational changes, based on emergency conditions, will be in accordance with policy determination by the President.

SEC. 6. Emergency Actions. Nothing in this order shall be construed as conferring authority under Title III of the Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950, as amended, or otherwise, to put into effect any emergency plan procedure, policy, program, or course of action prepared or developed pursuant to this order. Such authority is reserved to the President.

SEC. 7. Redelegation. In carrying out the functions outlined in this order, the Administrator may reassign such functions to and designate or appoint any official or employee within the Housing and Home Finance Agency, including the constituent agencies, to serve in any position within the Housing and Home Finance Agency.

SEC. 8. Prior Actions. To the extent of any inconsistency between the provisions of any prior order and the provisions of this order, the latter shall control. Emergency Preparedness Order No. 6 (heretofore issued by the Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization) (26 F.R. 658-659), is hereby revoked.
THE WHITE HOUSE, February 16, 1962.

Executive Order 11003

Executive Orders And Laws relating to National Emergencies Laws

Executive Order 11003


By virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, including authority vested in me by Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1958 (72 Stat. 1799), it is hereby ordered as follows:

SECTION 1. Scope. The Administrator of the Federal Aviation Agency (hereinafter referred to as the Administrator) shall prepare national emergency plans and develop preparedness programs covering the emergency management of the Nation's civil airports, civil aviation operating facilities, civil aviation services, and civil aircraft other than air carrier aircraft. These plans and programs shall be designed to develop a state of readiness in these areas with respect to all conditions of national emergency, including attack upon the United States.

SEC. 2. Transportation Functions. The Administrator shall:
(a) National Program Guidance. Develop plans and issue national program guidance designed to utilize to the maximum extent the existing non-military facilities, technical competence and resources of the Federal Government, the States and the local political subdivisions thereof, and non-governmental organizations and systems engaged in aeronautical activities to promote the effective and safe use and maintenance of aeronautical facilities, equipment, and services in an emergency.

(b) Operations. Formulate plans for the development, utilization, expansion and emergency management of the Nation's civil airports, civil aviation ground facilities and equipment required for essential civil air operations, except manufacturing facilities, but including the development of orders for insuring the continued operation of essential civil airports, civil aviation operating facilities, and civil aviation. equipment.

(c) Priorities and allocations. Develop plans and procedures for controls, allocations and priorities concerned with the utilization of aircraft other than air carrier aircraft in an emergency.

(d) Resources. Periodically assess assigned resources available from all sources in order to estimate availability under an emergency situation, analyze resource estimates in relation to estimated requirements in order to identify problem areas and develop appropriate recommendations and programs. Provide data and assistance before and after attack for national resource evaluation purposes of the Office of Emergency Planning.

(e) Requirements. Determine emergency requirements for material and supplies needed to manufacture, maintain or operate air navigation facilities, civil airports, and civil aircraft for which the Administrator is responsible.

(f) Claimancy. Prepare plans to claim materials, manpower, equipment, supplies, and services needed to carry out assigned responsibilities and other essential functions of the agency from the appropriate agencies and work with such agencies in developing programs to insure availability of such resources in an emergency.
SEC. 3. Cooperation with Department of Defense. In consonance with national civil defense plans, programs, and operations of the Department of Defense under Executive Order No. 10952, the Administrator shall:
(a) Professional training. Prepare and incorporate into appropriate courses dealing with aeronautics and aviation applicable civil defense knowledge and skills necessary to insure the maximum operational effectiveness of essential civil air transportation systems and facilities; and prepare and distribute such civil defense information to the management of air transportation systems and facilities, States and local governments, voluntary agencies, and commercial and professional groups concerned with the development, utilization, expansion, and emergency management of non-military aviation.

(b) Facilities protection. Analyze the potential effects of attack as a basis for developing and promoting a national program of vulnerability reduction, disaster preparedness, and damage control designed to minimize the effects of overt or covert attack on civil aviation facilities except aircraft manufacturing plants. Such program shall include, but shall not be limited to, guidance with respect to deconcentration and dispersal of facilities and equipment, organization and training of facility employees, shelter, evacuation and relocation plans, records protection, continuity of management, and emergency repair and recovery of facilities.

(c) Monitoring. Provide for the detection, identification, monitoring, and reporting of chemical, biological, and radiological agents at facilities operated or controlled by the Federal Aviation Agency.

(d) Decontamination. Provide technical advice, guidance, and consultation to Federal, State and local civil aviation authorities on measures for minimizing the effects of chemical, biological, and radiological contamination of civil airports and civil aviation facilities, aircraft, ground equipment, and personnel.

(e) Damage assessment. Maintain a capability to assess the effects of attack on all air navigation, air traffic control and aeronautical communications facilities, all civil airports, civil aircraft, and all other facilities essential to safe and effective air transportation operations in a national emergency agency and provide data to the Department of Defense.

( f) Salvage and rehabilitation. Develop plans for salvage of supplies and equipment and the rehabilitation or replacement of essential civil aviation systems, facilities, and services after attack, excluding the manufacture of aircraft but including direction of Federal activities for the emergency clearance and restoration of essential civil airports in damaged areas.
SEC. 4. Research. Within the framework of over-all Federal research objectives, the Administrator shall supervise or conduct research directly concerned with carrying out emergency preparedness responsibilities, designate representatives for necessary ad hoc or task force groups, and provide advice and assistance to other agencies in planning for research in areas involving the Agency's interest.

SEC. 5. Functional Guidance. The Administrator, in carrying out the functions assigned in this order, shall be guided by the following:
(a) Interagency cooperation. The Administrator shall work with the Secretary of Commerce, the Civil Aeronautics Board, and heads of other agencies concerned with the development of a national emergency transportation program. In the development of emergency plans and programs pursuant to this order and in the execution of functions assigned thereunder, the Administrator shall perform his functions in a manner compatible with his responsibilities to the Department of Defense under the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, and without compromise of his ability to discharge such responsibilities. Nothing in this order shall be construed to limit the authority vested in the Administrator by the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 with respect to the exercise of the Administrator's authority and responsibility in an "air defense emergency" (as distinguished from a "civil defense emergency"), or other state of emergency as may be declared by the President.

(b) Presidential coordination. The Director of the Office of Emergency Planning shall advise and assist the President in determining policy for, and assist him in coordinating the performance of functions under this order with the total national preparedness program.

(c) Emergency planning. Emergency plans and programs, and emergency organizational structure required thereby, shall be developed as an integral part of the continuing activities of the Federal Aviation Agency on the basis that it will have the responsibility for carrying out such programs during an emergency. The Administrator shall be prepared to implement all appropriate plans developed under this order. Modifications and temporary organizational changes, based on emergency conditions, will be in accordance with policy determination by the President.
SEC. 6. Emergency Actions. Nothing in this order shall be construed as conferring authority under Title III of the Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950, as amended, or otherwise, to put into effect any emergency plan, procedure, policy, program, or course of action prepared or developed pursuant to this order. Such authority is reserved to the President.

SEC. 7. Redelegation. The Administrator of the Federal Aviation Agency is hereby authorized to redelegate within the Agency the functions hereinabove assigned to him.

SEC. 8. Prior Actions. To the extent of any inconsistency between the provisions of any prior order and the provisions of this order, the latter shall control. Emergency Preparedness Order No. 3 (heretofore issued by the Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization) (26 F.R. 655-656) is hereby revoked.
February 16, 1962.

Executive Order 11002

Executive Orders Relating to National Emergencies

Executive Order 11002


By virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, including authority vested in me by Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1958 (72 Stat. 1799), it is hereby ordered as follows:

SECTION 1. Scope. The Postmaster General shall assist in the development of a national emergency registration system. These plans and programs shall be designed to develop a state of readiness in this area with respect to all conditions of national emergency including attack upon the United States.

SEC. 2. Cooperation with Department of Defense. In consonance with national civil defense plans, programs, and operations of the Department of Defense under Executive Order No. 10952, the Postmaster General shall:
(a) Registration system. Assist in planning a national program and developing technical guidance for States, and directing Post Office activities concerned with registering persons and families for the purpose of receiving and answering welfare inquiries, and reuniting families in civil defense emergencies. The program shall include:
1. Forms. Procurement, transportation, storage, and distribution of safety notification and emergency change of address cards in quantities and localities jointly determined by the Department of Defense and the Post Office Department.

2. Training. Conduct of training programs for postal employees which will enable them to operate emergency central postal directories and to assist in the operation of a national emergency registration system including support of local welfare activities in reuniting families.
(b) Damage assessment. Maintain a capability to assess the effects of attack on its postal service and resources, both at national and field levels, and provide data to the Department of Defense.
SEC. 3. Functional Guidance.The Postmaster General, in carrying out the functions assigned in this order, shall be guided by the following:
(a) Interagency cooperation. The Postmaster General shall work with the heads of other agencies concerned in the development of systems outlined above. He shall utilize to the maximum those capabilities of other agencies qualified to perform or assist in the performance of assigned functions by contractual or other agreements.

(b) Presidential coordination. The Director of the Office of Emergency Planning shall advise and assist the President in determining policy for, and assist him in coordinating the performance of functions under this order with the total national preparedness program.

(c) Emergency planning. Emergency plans and programs, and emergency organization structures required thereby, shall be developed as an integral part of the continuing activities of the Post Office Department on the basis that it will have the responsibility for carrying out such programs during an emergency. The Postmaster General shall be prepared to implement all appropriate plans developed under this order. Modifications and temporary organizational changes, based on emergency conditions, shall be in accordance with policy determination by the President.
SEC. 4. Emergency Actions. Nothing in this order shall be construed as conferring authority under Title III of the Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950, as amended, or otherwise, to put into effect any emergency plan, procedure, policy, program, or course of action prepared or developed pursuant to this order. Such authority is reserved to the President.

SEC. 5. Redelegation. The Postmaster General is hereby authorized to redelegate within the Post Office Department the functions hereinabove assigned to him.

SEC. 6. Prior Actions. To the extent of any inconsistency between the provisions of any prior order and the provisions of this order, the latter shall control. Emergency Preparedness Order No. 9 (heretofore issued by the Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization) (26 F.R. 661-662), is hereby revoked.
THE WHITE HOUSE, February 16, 1962

Executive Order 11001

Executive Orders Relating to National Emergencies

Executive Order 11001


By virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, including authority vested in me by Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1958, it is hereby ordered as follows:

SECTION 1. Scope. The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare (hereinafter referred to as the Secretary) shall prepare national emergency plans and develop preparedness programs covering health services, civilian health manpower, health resources, welfare services, and educational programs as defined below. These plans and programs shall be designed to develop a state of readiness in these areas with respect to all conditions of national emergency including attack upon the United States.

SEC. 2. Definitions. As used in this order:
(a) "Emergency health services" means medical and dental care for the civilian population in all of their specialties and adjunct therapeutic fields, and the planning, provision and operation of first aid stations, hospitals, and clinics; preventive health services, including detection, identification and control of communicable diseases, their vectors, and other public health hazards, inspection and control of purity and safety of food, drugs and biologicals; food and milk sanitation; public water supplies; sewage and other waste disposal; registration and disposal of the dead; prevention and alleviation of water pollution; vital statistics services; preventive and curative care related to human exposure to radiological, chemical, and biological warfare agents; and rehabilitation and. related services for disabled survivors. It shall be understood that health services, for the purposes of this order, do not encompass the following areas for which the Department of Agriculture has responsibility: plant and animal diseases and pest prevention, control and eradication, protection of meat and meat products, and poultry and poultry products in establishments under continuous inspection service by the Department of Agriculture, veterinary biologicals, agricultural commodities and products owned by the Commodity Credit Corporation or the Secretary of Agriculture, livestock, agricultural commodities owned or harvestable on farms and ranches, agricultural lands, and registration of pesticides.

(b) '"Health manpower" means physicians (including osteopaths); dentists; sanitary engineers; registered professional nurses; and such other occupations as may be included in the List of Health Manpower Occupations issued for the purposes of this Executive Order by the Director of the Office of Emergency Planning after agreement by the Secretary of Labor and the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare.

(c) "Health resources" means manpower, material, and facilities required to prevent the impairment of, improve, and restore the physical and mental health conditions of the civilian population.

(d) "Emergency welfare services" means feeding; clothing; housing or lodging in private and congregate facilities; registration; locating and reuniting families; care of unaccompanied children, the aged, the handicapped, and other groups needing specialized care or service; necessary financial or other assistance; counseling and referral services to families and individuals; aid to welfare institutions under national emergency or post-attack conditions; and all other feasible welfare aid and services to people in need during a civil defense emergency. Such measures include organization, direction, and provision of services to be instituted before attack, in the event of strategic or tactical evacuation, and after attack in the event of evacuation or of refuge in shelters.

(e) "Education," as used in this order, means the utilization of formal public and private school systems, from elementary through college, for the dissemination of instructional material guidance, and training in the protection of life and property from enemy attack.
SEC. 3. Health Functions.With respect to emergency health services, as defined above, and in consonance with national civil defense plans, programs and operations of the Department of Defense under Executive Order No. 10952, the Secretary shall:
(a) National program guidance. Develop plans and issue guidance designed to utilize to the maximum extent the existing civilian health resources of the Federal Government, and with their active participation, assistance, and consent, the health resources of the States and local political subdivisions thereof, and of other civilian organizations and agencies concerned with the health of the population, under all conditions of national emergency. Maintain relations with health professions and institutions to foster mutual understanding of Federal emergency plans which affect health activities.

(b) Professional training. Develop and direct a nationwide program to train health manpower both in professional and technical occupational content and in civil defense knowledge and skills. Develop and distribute health education material for inclusion in the curricula of schools, colleges, professional schools, government schools, and other educational facilities throughout the United States. Develop and distribute civil defense information relative to health services to States, voluntary agencies and professional groups.

(c) Emergency water supply. Prepare plans to assure the provision of usable public water supplies for essential community uses in an emergency. This shall include inventorying existing supplies, developing new sources, performing research, setting standards, and planning distribution. In carrying on these activities, the Department shall have primary responsibility but will make maximum use of the resources and competence of State and local authorities and of other Federal agencies.

(d) Radiation. Develop and coordinate programs of radiation measurement and assessment as may be necessary to carry out the responsibilities involved in the provision of emergency health services.

(e) Biological and chemical warfare. Develop and coordinate programs for the prevention, detection, and identification of human exposure to chemical and biological warfare agents as may be necessary to carry out the responsibilities involved in the provision of emergency health services including the provision of guidance and consultation to Federal, State, and local authorities on measures for minimizing the effects of biological or chemical warfare.

(f) Food, drugs, and biologicals. Plan and direct national programs for the maintenance of purity and safety in the manufacture and distribution of food, drugs, and biologicals in an emergency.

(g) Disabled Survivors. Prepare national plans for emergency operations of vocational rehabilitation and related agencies, and for measures and resources necessary to rehabilitate and make available for employment those disabled persons among the surviving population.

(h) Salvage and rehabilitation. Develop plans for salvage of supplies and equipment and rehabilitation of health services, supplies, and facilities after attack.
SEC. 4. Welfare Functions. With respect to emergency welfare services as defined above, and in consonance with national civil defense plans, programs and operations of the Department of Defense under Executive Order No. 10952, the Secretary shall:
(a) National program guidance. Develop plans and issue guidance for an integrated national program for emergency welfare services and, working with other Federal departments and agencies, provide for extending guidance and technical assistance to State and local welfare departments in the development and operation of their plans for the community organization of emergency welfare services.

(b) Federal support. Cooperate in the development of Federal support procedures, through joint planning with other departments and agencies, including but not limited to the Post Office Department, the Department of Labor, and the Selective Service System, the Housing and Home Finance Agency, and resource agencies including the Department of Agriculture, the Department of the Interior, and the Department of Commerce for logistic support of State and community welfare services in an emergency.

(c) Emergency welfare training. Develop and direct a nationwide program to train emergency welfare manpower for the execution of the functions set forth in this order, develop welfare educational materials, including self-help program materials for use with welfare organizations and professional schools, and develop and distribute civil defense information relative to emergency welfare services to States, voluntary agencies, and professional groups.

(d) Financial aid. Develop plans and procedures for financial assistance to individuals injured or in want as a result of enemy attack and for welfare institutions in need of such assistance in an emergency.

(e) Professional liaison. Maintain relations with national voluntary welfare organizations and related national professional and business organizations to foster mutual understanding and support of emergency welfare plans and activities.
SEC. 5. Education Functions. With respect to education as defined above, and in consonance with national civil defense plans, programs and operations of the Department of Defense under Executive Order No. 10952, the Secretary shall develop and issue through appropriate channels instructional materials and provide suggestions and guidance to assist schools, colleges, and other educational agencies to incorporate emergency protective measures and long-range civil defense concepts into their programs. This involves assistance to various levels of education to develop an understanding of the role of the individual, family, and community for civil defense in the nuclear age, as well as the maintenance of relations with educators, national and State education associations, foundations, and other related organizations to foster mutual understanding and support of civil defense activities.

SEC. 6. Facilities Protection and Damage Assessment. In consonance with the national civil defense plans, programs and operations of the Department of Defense under Executive Order No. 10952, the Secretary shall:
(a) Facilities protection. Provide industry protection guidance material adapted to the needs of health, welfare, and education facilities and promote a national program to stimulate, guide, and assist facilities such as hospitals, clinics, public water plants, waste disposal plants and facilities for other emergency health services, welfare institutions, and schools in methods of disaster preparedness and control in order to minimize the effects of overt or covert attack and maintain continuity of capacity to serve the public in an emergency. Guidance and assistance shall include but not be limited to: organizing and training facility employees, employee shelter, evacuation plans, records protection, continuity of management, emergency repair, deconcentration or dispersal of facilities, and the organization of mutual aid associations for emergency.

(b) Damage assessment. Maintain a capability to assess the effects of attack on health, welfare, and education facilities and personnel both at national and field levels and provide data to the Department of Defense. SEC. 7. Resources. The Secretary shall periodically assess assigned resources available from all sources in order to estimate availability under an emergency situation, analyze resource estimates in relation to estimated requirements in order to identify problem areas and develop appropriate recommendations and programs. Provide data and assistance before and after attack for national resource evaluation purposes of the Office of Emergency Planning.
SEC. 8. Relative Urgencies. The Secretary shall develop standards and relative urgencies for emergency health and welfare services for guidance of Federal agencies, States, and communities in providing maximum protection to survivors, and for the purpose of conserving, improving availability, and allocating such resources.

SEC. 9. Requirements. The Secretary shall periodically assemble, develop as appropriate, and evaluate requirements for assigned resources and services, taking into account the estimated needs for military as well as civilian purposes. Such evaluations shall take into consideration the geographical distribution of requirements under emergency conditions.

SEC. 10. Claimancy. The Secretary shall prepare plans to claim materials, manpower, equipment, supplies and services needed to carry out assigned responsibilities and other essential functions of the Department, from the appropriate agency and work with such agencies in developing programs to insure availability of such resources in an emergency.

SEC. 11. Stockpiles. The Secretary shall assist the Office of Emergency Planning in formulating and carrying out stockpiling of strategic and critical materials and survival items. The Secretary shall also plan and direct the procurement, storage, maintenance, inspection, survey, distribution, and utilization of essential supplies and equipment for emergency health services.

SEC. 12. Research. Within the framework of Federal research objectives, the Secretary shall supervise or conduct research in areas directly concerned with carrying out emergency preparedness responsibilities for health, education, and welfare programs. With respect to the emergency health and welfare services assignment, this is defined as, but not limited to
(1) development of medical means for the prevention and care of casualties (including those from thermonuclear weapons, radiation exposure, and biological and chemical warfare, as well as from other weapons);

(2) research in preventive medicines, basic biology and environmental sanitation directed to maintaining the health of noncasualty population;

(3) pre-attack and post-attack target research in health services;

(4) protection of resources and protocol essential to carrying out long term basic and applied research in the post-attack period; and

(5) the development of techniques for the most efficient utilization of civilian health manpower. Designate representatives for necessary ad hoc or task force groups and provide advice and assistance to other agencies in planning for research in areas involving the Department's interest.
SEC. 13. Functional Guidance. The Secretary, in carrying out the functions assigned in this order, shall be guided by the following:
(a) Interagency cooperation. The Secretary shall assume the initiative in developing joint plans for the coordination of emergency civilian health services and welfare services programs of those departments and agencies which have responsibility for any segment of such activities. He shall utilize to the maximum those capabilities of other agencies qualified to perform or assist in the performance of assigned functions by contractual or other agreements.

(b) Presidential coordination. The Director of the Office of Emergency Planning shall advise and assist the President in determining policy for, and assist him in coordinating the performance of functions under this order with the total national preparedness program.

(c) Emergency planning. Emergency plans and programs, and emergency organization structure required thereby, shall be developed as an integral part of the continuing activities of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare on the basis that it will have the responsibility for carrying out such programs during an emergency. The Secretary shall be prepared to implement all appropriate plans developed under this order. Modifications and temporary organization changes, based on emergency conditions, will be in accordance with policy determination by the President. SEC. 14. Emergency Actions. Nothing in this order shall be construed as conferring authority under Title III of the Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950, as amended, or otherwise, to put into effect any emergency plan, procedure, policy, program, or course of action prepared or developed pursuant to this order. Such authority is reserved to the President.
SEC. 15. Redelegation. The Secretary is hereby authorized to redelegate within the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare the functions hereinabove assigned to him.

SEC. 16. Prior Actions. To the extent of any inconsistency between the provisions of any prior order and the provisions of this order, the latter shall control. Emergency Preparedness Orders Nos. 4 and 5 (heretofore issued by the Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization) (26 F.R. 656-658), are hereby revoked.
THE WHITE HOUSE, February 16, 1962