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An article about the numbering of the King James Bible

Since I could not find a password on this article, I figured it was ok to repost it.



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Subtitle: This startling challenge caused Cutting Edge research volunteers to begin counting the KJV as an occultist would count it. Since Bacon and his Knights of the Helmet possessed the original KJV manuscript for about one year (1610-1611), they had the time to reconstruct the Bible so that its fundamental construction would be identical to the key foundational symbols of Freemasonry!

Remember, our key understanding: these wicked, occult men, with all the power and skill of the English government at their disposal, could not change the text. Not one doctrine was ever changed by the actions these men took to create a Rosicrucian Bible which was designed to move the peoples of the world into the practice of a "Mystic Christianity", i.e., Rosicrucianism. Therefore, we can set aside any and all doubts and worries about our eternal security as we look at this historic truth about the 1611 KJV.

Your KJV is wonderfully sound, and its doctrines will lead you directly into Heaven if you heed them.


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Copyright © 2006 Cutting Edge Ministries. All rights reserved. See full copyright notice below.
Before we get started in this first article in our journey to discover hidden truth about the 1611 King James Version of the Bible, let us remember our main premise: even though some of the most evil men in world history had their hands on the King James Bible from the inside out, they could not change one bit of the text! Please take a moment to read our original treatise on this most important subject, in our "Defending The KJV" section.
As we alluded, above, Cutting Edge Ministries is NOT saying that Sir Francis Bacon "wrote the KJV". We will never say that. Our research indicates that the official KJV scholarship committee completed their work in 1610 and handed the manuscript to King James. The King then promptly gave that manuscript to Sir Francis Bacon, who possessed it for about one year, until 1611, when he handed the manuscript back to the King, who promptly sent it to his official printer.
Historians have debated why King James felt that Bacon needed this manuscript for one year and what Bacon did with or to the manuscript while he had it for that time. Now, however, we feel confident that Bacon used this time to plan how to coordinate the text with all these symbols -- page after page after page!
NOTE: We have another, and cheaper source, for these original 1611 King James Bibles! A website called has these Bibles. They are computer scans of an original 1611 KJV. Please go to: -- Note that the cost from this web site is "only" $249.
"Don't Read Your Bible -- Count It"!

This startling challenge came from an occultist with the handle of "Satanic Red". Once he issued the challenge, our volunteer researchers went right to work. What we have uncovered is most significant!
Sir Francis Bacon, King James I, and the Knights of the Helmet planned to produce a "Rosicrucian Mystic Bible", which would reverberate with occult power every second because of all the Satanic symbols it contained, so that all the English-speaking peoples of the world would be gradually moved into a practice of the "Mystic Christianity" called Rosicrucianism! But, the Holy Spirit excited such opposition from leaders of both the Pilgrims and the Puritans, and from within the clergy of the Anglican Church, that no one would even consider the KJV as long as it contained these horrible images. Since the Holy Spirit had already preserved the KJV text, once government leaders -- long after King James and Bacon had died -- removed these offending images, the KJV Bible was a very fine Bible.
This story is the most exciting example in the modern era where the Holy Spirit prevented the destruction of God's Word. Jesus had promised, "Scripture cannot be broken" (John 10:35).
Your faith in Jesus Christ should simply soar once you realize how He completely foiled the plot of British King and Government to change God's Word into a spiritually defiled Rosicrucian Bible!
At this point, we need to stop to ask a very important question: if Bacon and King James planned to create a Rosicrucian Bible, what would their symbol for that Bible likely be? We submit to you that the symbol of this planned "Mystic Christianity" would look very much like this symbol to the left. As you can see, two pillars are depicted, with the famous Masonic emblem in between known as the Square and Compass. Since the average person today knows nothing about "Satan's devices" and so can look right at a Satanic symbol without knowing what they are looking at, let us spend a few moments describing the meanings of this symbol.
First, let us speak directly to the issue of the pillars.
"The two pillars ... represent two imaginary columns supposed to be placed at the equinoces (sic) to support the heavens ... The one on the left is called Boaz, and indicates Osiris, or the sun, the one on the right is called Jachin, and designates Iris, the symbol both of the earth and its productions and the moon." (George Oliver, "The Historical Landmarks and Other Evidences of Freemasonry, Explained", Vol. I & II, New York: John W. Leonard and Company, 1855, p. 324, quoted by Dr. Cathy Burns, Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated, p.340)
Let us stop here to digest what we have just read.
1) Masons consider the two pillars to be foundational devices, designed to hold the entire world up. Again, I repeat, Masons consider the two pillars as foundational. Let us go to the Merriam Webster Dictionary for more understanding of this word, "foundation":
* " an underlying base or support; especially : the whole masonry substructure of a building - a body or ground upon which something is built up or overlaid"
Therefore, we might consider these two pillars to represent the "underlying base or support", or that supporting device " upon which something is built up or overlaid"
* " a basis (as a tenet, principle, or axiom) upon which something stands or is supported, i.e., the foundations of geometry"
Likewise, these columns represents the "axiom upon which something stands or is supported"
Now, let us briefly consider the most famous of Masonic symbols, the Square and Compass. Rather than take the time and space here to describe the meanings of this symbol, take moment to read Free17, one our original Freemasonry articles.
Now, we need to dig a little deeper in our understanding of this symbol of the Masonic Square and Compass in between the two pillars. Masons can properly understand that these two pillars represent a "portal" through which an initiate must step if he is to become a dedicated Mason on his way to becoming a perfected Man. As the initiate steps into the world of Freemasonry, he symbolically steps right into the Square and Compass and enters the rarified air of Mystical Freemasonry.

This picture depicts the image on the Masonic apron of President George Washington. For the purposes of this article, focus on the inner two pillars and the steps leading up to a KJV Bible with the Masonic Square and Compass lying directly on its open pages. These images frankly scream at you, as they almost perfectly depict the symbolism of the Rosicrucian KJV Bible which Sir Francis Bacon and King James I planned to put into every church and every home in English-speaking world.
Notice, also, the All-Seeing Eye of Lucifer hovering over the entire scene, looking approvingly downward on his newly formed Rosicrucian Bible. The alchemical Sun and Moon are shown to the right and left, respectively, of the Eye. Precisely six steps lead up to the Bible. Six is critically important to the occultist, because "six" is the number of the Masonic Perfected Man. Further, the number, "66" is the number of Perfect Government, while "666" is the number of the Perfect Man who will arise to take control of the Perfect Government.
Masons will hail him as their "Masonic Christ", New Age adherents will call him "Maitreya the Christ", but the Bible will call him "Antichrist".

Before we go into our discussion as to how a Rosicrucian Bible can be symbolized by our first symbol, the two pillars and the Square and Compass, we need to realize the importance of "33" to the Mason.
"Thirty-three appears to be the most mysterious of numbers. It is found over and over again in the stories of the Bible and elsewhere. Jesus Christ was thirty-three when he was crucified; the first temple of Solomon stood for thirty-three years before being pillaged by King Shishak of Egypt; there are thirty-three symbols of the Masonic Order and one of their symbols depicts a double-headed eagle crowned with an equilateral triangle: inside of this is the number thirty-three. [Elizabeth van Buren, "The Secret of the Illuminati", p. 160]
Notice that this occult author actually describes the Double-Headed Phoenix, shown to the left, with the mysterious number "33" in the middle. Listen as van Buren gushes even more eloquently about the supreme importance of the number "33".
"Students of Numerology are well aware that numbers affect a person's life. One's name, place, and time of birth all have an influence on one's physical, mental, and spiritual being. Each letter as number has a certain vibratory effect ... the picture produced by the various combinations gives an understanding of the character, karma, and potentialities of the person ... in Spiritual Numerology, the numbers 11, 22, and 33 are the three 'Master Numbers', the highest being 33 ... This highest of the master numbers was the age of the Master Initiate (Jesus) at his death, resurrection and ascension, giving more esoteric accents. The '33' symbolizes the highest spiritual consciousness attainable by the human being." [Ibid., p. 161-2; Emphasis added]
Since the '33' symbolizes the highest spiritual conscious attainable by the human being", you can understand how Masons can, and do, look upon the "33" as being synonymous with his Lodge. Indeed, the Masonic Lodge can be thought of as being symbolized with the number "33". Thus, as we go back to our original image, above, of the two pillars with the Square and Compass in between, you can visually replace the Square and Compass with the number "33".
Therefore, you really can place the number "33" in between the pillars, instead of the Square and Compass!
In fact, please take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the reality that occultists truly revere numbers, believing they contain inherent Luciferic power, by reading a key article on this subject, NEWS1756"Events Continue To Occur According To The Numbers -- Occult Numbers". Then, you will be prepared to understand the rest of this article.
Chapter and Verse Manipulation
Now, consider our blockbuster revelation! Sir Francis Bacon and his Knights of the Helmet spent part of their year in which they possessed the KJV manuscript re-arranging the Bible so that its very structure formed two pillars -- from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22 -- with the mystical number "33" in the middle! The very structure of the 1611 KJV forms the very structure of Masonry, as depicted by our original symbol, above!
To understand how they could do this, we must first speak to the issue of their manipulation of chapter and verse numbers of their 1611 KJV, as compared to the 1599 Geneva Bible. Before we get into this subject, remember that we are not talking about changing the words of the meanings of words. The text of the KJV is fine. We are only talking about changing chapter and verse designations, which were never inspired by the Holy Spirit in the original Greek and Hebrew Scripture.
Let us first examine historic truth of chapter and verse designations as revealed by Wikipedia Online Encyclopedia.
“The division of the Bible into chapters and verses has often elicited severe criticism from traditionalists and modern scholars alike. Critics charge that the text is often divided into chapters in an incoherent way, or at inappropriate points within the narrative, and that it encourages citing passages out of context, in effect turning the Bible into a kind of textual quarry for clerical citations. Nevertheless, even the critics admit that the chapter divisions and verse numbers have become indispensable as technical references for Bible study. Stephen Langton is reputed to have been the first to put the chapter divisions into a Vulgate edition of the Bible, in 1205. They were then inserted into Greek manuscripts of the New Testament in the 1400’s. Robert Estienne (Robert Stephanus) was the first to number the verses within each chapter….”
The charge that chapters and verses were “divided into chapters in an incoherent way, or at inappropriate points within the narrative” only serves to lend credence to our position that they were manipulated for purposes other than academic. Indeed, this manipulation formed the 1611 KJV Bible into the two pillars with the number "33" in the middle, as we shall prove at the end of this article. It is important to understand that the original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts from which the 1611 KJV Bible was translated do not even contain punctuation, much less chapter and verse divisions! So all numerical divisions of the text that took place were purely arbitrary and wide open to manipulation. And a careful analysis of the differences between the Geneva editions and the King James Version (KJV) which came later, show definite signs of such tampering.
Additionally and undeniably, the total number and exact placement of the various Books within the Bible was established at some point prior to 1560. That was when the Geneva Bible was first published in which both the Old and New Testaments were included. And the reason we know this to be true is that the ancient Jewish canon of Scripture not only contains fewer Books (24 instead of the 39 we have today), but in several instances their order was quite different from their counterparts in our Old Testament.
Then as a side note, we want to point out something that bears upon this discussion. One of the 14 or so “ground rules” given by King James to the translators of the 1611 Bible was that “the division of the chapters to be altered either not at all, or as little as may be, if necessity so require.” (An Historical Account of the English Versions Of The Scriptures, from the English Hexapala, published by Samuel Bagster and Sons, A.D. M.DCCC. XLI, emphasis ours).
King James had just authorized someone to change chapters "if necessity so require"! Any change the Knights of the Helmet implemented could be defended on the basis of "necessity".
Why do you suppose King James placed this particular rule upon them? Of course one logical reason may have been that nearly 50 years had elapsed since the1560 Geneva Bible was published and the KVJ translators were assigned their task. So by that time it is reasonable to assume the public would have become accustomed to using those divisions in reference and memorization. But we submit that there was also a more devious reason behind the king’s command. Since he was a Rosicrucian and Freemason himself, he undoubtedly would have approved of the manner in which Bacon and his Knights of the Helmet slightly changed chapter and verse divisions in order to produce a Rosicrucian Bible organized in the manner of the two pillars and the Square/Compass/"33" between.

NUM 12
16 verses
Numbers 12
15 verses
Num 13:1 from Geneva is 12:16 in KJV
Num 13
33 verses
Num 13
34 verses
Num 13:2 from Geneva is 13:1 in KJV
Num 29
40 verses
Num 29
39 verses
Num 30:1 from Geneva is 29:40 in KJV
Num 30
16 verses
Num 30
17 verses
Num 30:2 from Geneva is 30:1 in KJV
1 Sam 20
42 verses
1 Sam 20
43 verses
KJV combines Geneva's verses 42 & 43 into one verse
which is verse 42 in KJV
1 Sam 23
29 verses
1 Sam 23
28 verses
KJV takes I verse (24:1) from Geneva and makes it
1 Sam 24
22 verses
1 Sam 24
23 verses
Chapter 24 is shorter in KJV because of the verse it
borrowed for chapter 23. Verse 22 in KJV is verse 23 in
II Sam 1
27 verses
II Sam 1
26 verses
KJV splits verse 26 from Geneva into two verses
making verses 26 & 27 in KJV
Esther 2
23 verses
Esther 2
22 verses
KJV splits verse 22 from Geneva into two verses making
verses 22 & 23 in KJV
Job 6
30 verses
Job 6
29 verses
KJV splits verse 29 from Geneva into two verses making
verses 29 & 30 in KJV
Job 38
41 verses
Job 38
38 verses
KJV ch 38 takes three verses from Geneva ch 39 to give
the extra verses. 38:39 from KJV is 39:1 in Geneva
38:40 from KJV is 39:2 in Geneva
38:41 from KJV is 39:3 in Geneva
Job 39
30 verses
Job 39
38 verses
KJV ch 39 remains shorter because of the three verses it
took in ch 38. Also KJV shortens chapter 39 from
Geneva by taking five verses from end of Geneva ch 39
and making them part of KJV ch 40
KJV 39:1 is Gen 39:4 KJV 39:2 is Gen 39:5
KJV 39:3 is Gen 39: 6 KJV 39:4 is Gen 39:7
KJV 39:5 is Gen 39:8 KJV 39:6 is Gen 39:9
KJV 39:7 is Gen 39:10 KJV 39: 8 is Gen 39: 11
KJV 39:9 is Gen 39:12 KJV 39:10 is Gen 39: 13
KJV 39:11 is Gen 39:14 KJV 39:12 is Gen 39:15
KJV 39:13 is Gen 39:16 KJV 39:14 is Gen 39: 17
KJV 39:15 is Gen 39:18 KJV 39:16 is Gen 39:19
KJV 39:17 is Gen 39:20 KJV 39:18 is Gen 39:21
KJV 39:19 is Gen 39:22 KJV 39:20 is Gen 39:23
KJV 39:21 is Gen 39:24 KJV 39:22 is Gen 39:25
KJV 39:23 is Gen 39:26 KJV 39: 24 is Gen 39:27
KJV 39:25 is Gen 39:28 KJV 39:26 is Gen 39:29
KJV 39:27 is Gen 39:30 KJV 39:28 is Gen 39:31
KJV 39:29 is Gen 39:32 KJV 39:30 is Gen 39:33
Job 40
24 verses
Job 40
28 verses
KJV ch 40 remains four verses shorter than Geneva
because of the verses KJV used to make ch 39 longer
KJV 40:1 is Gen 39:34 KJV 40:2 is Gen 39:35
KJV 40:3 is Gen 39:36 KJV 40:4 is Gen39:37
KJV 40:5 is Gen 39:38 KJV 40:6 is Gen 40:1
KJV 40:7 is Gen 40:2           KJV 40:8 is Gen 40:3

KJV 40:9 is Gen 40:4 KJV 40:10 is Gen 40:5
KJV 40:11 is Gen 40:6 KJV 40:12 is Gen 40:7
KJV 40:13 is Gen 40:8 KJV 40:14 is Gen 40:9
KJV 40:15 is Gen 40:10 KJV 40:16 is Gen 40:11
KJV 40:17 is Gen 40:12 KJV 40:18 is Gen 40:13
KJV 40:19 is Gen 40:14 KJV 40:20 is Gen 40:15
KJV 40:21 is Gen 40:16 KJV 40:22 is Gen 40:17
KJV 40:23 is Gen 40:18 KJV 40:24 is Gen 40:19
Job 41
34 verses
Job 41
25 verses
Geneva ch 41 is shorter than KJV ch 41 because of  all
the verses that the KJV used from the previous chapters
of the Genvea to make its chapter changes
KJV 41:1 is Gen 40:20 KJV 41:2 is Gen 40:21
KJV 41:3 is Gen 40:22 KJV 41:4 is Gen 40:23
KJV 41:5 is Gen 40:24 KJV 41:6 is Gen 40:25
KJV 41:7 is Gen 40:26 KJV 41:7 is Gen 40:27
KJV 41:9 is Gen 40:28 KJV 41:10 is Gen 41:1
KJV 41:11 is Gen 41:2 KJV 41:12 is Gen 41:3
KJV 41:13 is Gen 41:4 KJV 41:14 is Gen 41:5
KJV 41:15 is Gen 41:6 KJV 41:16 is Gen 41:7
KJV 41:17 is Gen 41:8 KJV 41:18 is Gen 41:9
KJV 41:19 is Gen 41:10 KJV 41:20 is Gen 41:11
KJV 41:21 is Gen 41:12 KJV 41:22 is Gen 41:13
KJV 41:23 is Gen 41:14 KJV 41:24 is Gen 41:15
KJV 41:25 is Gen 41:16 KJV 41:26 is Gen 41:17
KJV 41:27 is Gen 41: 18 KJV 41:28 is Gen 41:19
KJV 41:29 is Gen 41:20 KJV 41:30 is Gen 41:21
KJV 41:31 is Gen 41:22 KJV 41:32 is Gen 41:23
KJV 41:33 is Gen 41:24 KJV 41:34 is Gen 41:25
Psalm 13
6 verses
Psalm 13
5 verses
KJV splits verse 5 of Geneva making verses 5 & 6 in
Psalm 72
20 verses
Psalm 72
19 verses
KJV splits verse 19 of Geneva making verses 19 & 20 in
Proverbs 8
36 verses
Proverbs 8
35 verses
KJV splits verse 33 of Geneva
KJV 8:33 is Gen 8:33 1`' half
KJV 8:34 is Gen 8:33 2°a half
KJV 8:35 is Gen 8:34
KJV 8:36 is Gen 8:35
Eccl 4
16 verses
Eccl 4
17 verses
KJV shortens ch 4 by I verse
Eccl 5
20 verses
Eccl 5
19 verses
KJV makes ch 5 longer by taking 1 verse from ch 4 of
KJV 5:1 is Gen 4:17 KJV 5:2 is Gen 5:1
This one verse difference remains throughout chapter
ending with
KJV 5:21 is Gen 5:19
Eccl 6
12 verses
Eccl 6
10 verses
KJV takes 2 verses from chapter 7 of Geneva
KJV 6:11 is Gen 7:1 KJV 6:12 is Gen 7:2
Eccl 7
29 verses
Eccl 7
31 verses
KJV takes two verses from ch 7 of Geneva and puts
them into ch 6 creating a two verse difference
throughout the chapter
KJV 7:1 is Gen 7:3            KJV 7:29 is Gen 7:31
Song of
Solomon 1
17 verses
Song of
Solomon 1
16 verses
KJV uses title from Song of Solomon as chapter 1 verse
1, thus creating a verse in the KJV not found in the
Song of
Song of
KJV changes book title. Geneva's Solomon's Song to
the KJV Song of Solomon, giving the KJV title 13 letters
Song of
Solomon 5
16 verses
Song of
Solomon 5
17 verses
KJV shortens Geneva by 1 verse
KJV 5:16 is Gen 6:1
Song of
Solomon 6
13 verses
Song of
Solomon 6
12 verses
KJV takes one verse from ch 5 making ch 6 longer
And creating a one verse difference throughout the
KJV 6:2 is Gen 6:1            KJV 6:13 is Gen 6:12
Isaiah 52
15 verses
Isaiah 52
14 verses
KJV splits verse 14 from Geneva into two verses
39 verses
Jeremiah 49
38 verses
KJV splits verse 38 from Geneva into two verses
Ezekial I
28 verses
Ezekial I
29 verses
KJV combines verses 28 & 29 from Geneva and makes
them into one verse
Ezekial 20
49 verses
Ezekial 20
48 verses
KJV splits verse 48 from Geneva into two verses
Daniel 3
30 verses
Daniel 3
33 verses
KJV shortens Daniel chapter 3 by three verses
KJV 4:1 is Gen 3:31 KJV 4:2 is Gen 3:32
KJV 4:3 is Gen 3:33
Daniel 4
37 verses
Daniel 4
34 verses
KJV uses three verses from chapter 3 of Geneva to
make chapter 4 longer. This creates a three verse
difference throughout chapter 4
KJV 4:1 is Gen 3:31          KJV 4:37 is Gen 4:34
Hosea 13
16 verses
Hosea 13
15 verses
KJV takes one verse from chapter 14 of Geneva to make
chapter 13 longer
KJV 13:16 is Gen 14:1
Hosea 14
9 verses
Hosea 14
10 verses
KJV shortens chapter 14 by one verse and put it into
chapter 13. There is a one chapter difference
throughout the chapter
KJV 14:1 is Gen 14:2        KJV 14:9 is Gen 14:10
Haggai 1
15 verses
Haggai 1
14 verses
KJV lengthens chapter by taking a verse from chapter 2
of the Geneve
KJV 1:15 is Gen 2:1
Haggai 2
23 verses
Haggai 2
24 verses
KJV shortens chapter 2 of Geneva by putting one verse
into chapter 1 creating a one verse differnce
KJV 2:1 is Gen 2:2            KJV 2:23 is Gen 2:24
Luke 15
32 verses
Luke 15
31 verses
KJV splits verse 31 of the Geneva into two verses
Romans I
32 verses
Romans 1
31 verses
KJV splits verse 30 of Geneva into two verse
KJV 1: 30 is Gen 1:30 Is' half
KJV 1:31 is Gen 1:30 2"d half
KJV 1:32 is Gen 1:31
II Cor 13
14 verses
11 Cor 13
13 verses
KJV splits verse 12 of Geneva into two verses
KJV 13:12 is Gen 13:12 1St half
KJV 13:13 is Gen 13:12 2nd half
KJV 13:14 is Gen 13:13
Gal 1
24 verses
Gal 1
23 verses
KJV splits verse 21 of Geneva into two verses
KJV 1:21 is Gen 1:21 1St half
KJV 1:22 is Gen 1:212 "d half
KJV 1:23 is Gen 1:22
KJV 1:24 is Gen 1:23
11 John
11 John
KJV splits verse 11 of Geneva into two verses

13 verses
12 verses
KJV vs 11 is Gen vs 11 1st half
KJV vs12 is Gen vs 11 2nd half
KJV vs 13 is Gen vs 12
Rev 12
17 verses
Rev 12
18 verse
KJV makes verse 18 of the Geneva part of verse 1 of
chapter 13
KJV 12:17 is Gen 12:17
KJV 13:1 1'` sentence is Gen 12:18
KJV 13:1 rest of verse is Gen 13:1
Rev 13
18 verses
Rev 13
18 verses
KJV combines 12:18 and 13:1 from Geneva into one
KJV 13:1 is Gen 12:18 & 13:1

As you can see, somebody involved in producing the KJV made a lot of changes in chapter/verse divisions from the Geneva Bible! We encourage you to study these changes in depth, for you will realize that none of these changes, in and of itself, were major. They were very minor. However, these changes did produce a very startling change in the structure of this Rosicrucian Bible. We shall now prove that the original 1611 KJV Bible was deliberately constructed in such a manner that the structure of the Bible is exactly identical to the two pillars with the Masonic Square/Compass/"33" in the middle.

When the KJV was constructed, after the original KJV scholars had given the document to King James I in 1610, one of the changes which were made involved these chapter/verse changes. These seemingly slight changes produced a dramatic effect, as these two pictures illustrate. The structure of the Bible was slightly changed so that the two pillars -- Boaz and Jachin -- were created with a "33" in the middle.
In these two pillars, you have four sides, one going up and one going down. Each of these sides is comprised of a number of chapters equal to 3x3x33, or 297 chapters. Think of each chapter as representing a step up or down one of the sides of the pillar. Thinking of it this way, you have 297 steps going up each pillar and 297 steps going down. These four divisions are as follows:
Pillar 1
Left Side Going Up 297 Chapters -- Genesis 1 to I Kings 6
Right Side Going Down 297 Chapters -- I Kings 7 to Psalm 116
Psalm 117 is the chapter in the middle -- representative of the Masonic Square and Compass and/or the sacred occult number, "33".
Pillar 2
Left Side Going Up 297 Chapters -- Psalm 118 to Jonah 3
Right Side Going Down 297 Chapters -- Jonah 4 to Revelation 22
There you have it! The Bible is comprised of 1,189 chapters. Each pillar comprised of 297 chapters on each side produces 594 chapters. When both pillars are counted, you have 1,188 chapters, with the one chapter in the middle -- Psalm 117. Let us examine this Psalm now so you can see that it forms a perfect "33" -- once a tiny bit of manipulation was carried out!
Psalm 117
O praise the LORD, all ye nations: praise him, all ye people. 2 For his merciful kindness is great toward us: and the truth of the LORD endureth for ever. Praise ye the LORD. 
Psalms 117:1-2 (KJV)
This most beloved short Psalm has gladdened the heart of many a genuine Christian, and will continue to do so until the Lord Jesus returns for His Church. This Psalm reassures us that God blesses all nations of the earth who have received His mercy and loving kindness. And, we are reassured that this wonderful Mercy and Grace of God are forever!
Or is that "for ever"?
You see, this Psalm contains 32 words, unless you split the word "forever" into two distinct words, "for" and "ever". Then, you get exactly 33 words in this Psalm! This kind of text manipulation is very common throughout the KJV text, but such manipulation changed none of the original meaning of the text. Therefore, the meaning translated from the original Greek and Hebrew is unchanged. But, Sir Francis Bacon, King James I, and the Knights of the Helmet achieved what they wanted to achieve! They got a structure for the entire KJV which is exactly the same as the symbol of the two-pillars with the number "33" in the middle!
Psalm 117, being the “odd” chapter of the 1189 (1188 plus 1), is positioned in the very middle. It is almost waving its arms, as it were—calling our attention to the fact that it is not only the middle chapter of the Bible, but is also the shortest—consisting of exactly 33 words. Thus as we visualize the two pillars framing the number 33, we are viewing but one of the many elaborate “look at me” signs intended by Bacon and his Knights of the Helmet who orchestrated them!
Thus was the original KJV Bible constructed exactly as a Freemason would like to have it constructed -- two pillars with a "33" in the middle! Without changing the meaning of the text whatsoever.
Now let us address the significance of 1 Kings 6-7 and Jonah 3-4. As you can see from the hand drawing on the right, above, 1 Kings 6-7 speak to the Solomon's Temple, while Jonah 3-4 speak of the great city, Nineveh. Both cities are very significant to Freemasonry, and frame important basic doctrines of Masonry.
1 Kings 6-7 -- Solomon's Temple -- Critical Tenet #1
These two chapters describe the building of Solomon’s Temple—“holy ground” for the Freemason. How important is Solomon's Temple to the Freemason? Let us go again to one of the most famous of all Masonic authors, Albert Mackey, 33rd Degree.
"Of all the objects which constitute the Masonic science of symbolism, the most important, the most cherished, by the Mason, and by far the most significant, is the Temple of Jerusalem. The spiritualizing of the Temple is the first, the most prominent and the most pervading, of all symbols of Freemasonry ... Take from Freemasonry its dependence on the Temple; leave out of its ritual all references to that sacred edifice, and to the legends and traditions connected with it, and the system itself would at once decay and die ... " ["Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry", by Albert Mackey, MD, 33º and Charles T. McClenachan, 33º, Revised Edition, by Edward L. Hawkins, 30º and William J. Hughan, 32º, Volume II, M-Z, published by The Masonic History Company, Chicago, New York, London, 1873, A.G. Mackey, 1927, by the Masonic History Company.]
Let us repeat the critical understanding that the noted 33º Masonic author, Albert Mackey, has just given us:
"Take from Freemasonry its dependence on the Temple; leave out of its ritual all references to that sacred edifice, and to the legends and traditions connected with it, and the system itself would at once decay and die ... "
Therefore, the first understanding we want you to grasp is that Freemasonry is absolutely, completely, 100% devoted to the Solomon Temple, without which the entire structure and foundation of Freemasonry would die! Thus does Masonry stand in stark contrast to genuine, Biblical Christianity. In other words, Freemasonry is rooted at its deepest foundation to the First Covenant of the Old Testament, while Biblical Christianity is rooted to the Second Covenant of Jesus Christ as delineated in the New Testament!
Mackey makes this fact quite clear also: "Masonry has derived its temple symbolism, as it has almost all its symbolic ideas, from the Hebrew type ..." [Ibid] Since the Old Testament was written originally in the Hebrew, and the New Testament in the Greek, Mackey is clearly stating that Freemasonry is rooted in the Old Testament!
In a Masonic Bible, on our bookshelf, the Temple Illustrated Edition, the author of the Foreword sheds some further light upon the importance of Solomon's Temple to Freemasonry.
"The traditions and romance of King Solomon's Temple are of great interest to everyone who reads the Bible. They are of transcendent importance to Masons. The Temple is the outstanding symbol in Masonry, and the legendary story of the building of the Temple is the fundamental basis of the Masonic rule and guide for conduct in life ... The cream of Masonic historical and philosophical writing has been drawn upon for his description of the Temple and its relation to Masonic ritual." [The Holy Bible: The Great Light In Masonry", King James Version, Temple Illustrated Edition, A.J. Holman Company, 1968, Forward entitled, "The Bible and King Solomon's Temple in Masonry", by John Wesley Kelchner].
There is simply no other portion of Scripture more precious to the Freemason than 1 Kings 6 and 7, so it is entirely predictable and quite understandable, that these two chapters form the top of the first great pillar of this 1611 Rosicrucian Bible!
Jonah 3-4 -- Nineveh -- Sacred City To Masons As It Is Reported To Have Been Built By Nineveh -- Critical Tenet #2
Nineveh holds great significance for the Mason because Jonah 3 and 4 describe various details of the ancient city of Nineveh, which according to Masonic writers, was the birthplace of Freemasonry. The following is what Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (Published in two volumes—both of which have covers adorned with the twin pillars) has to say about that particular city:
“The capital of the ancient kingdom of Assyria, and built by Nimrod. The traditions of its greatness and the magnificence of its buildings were familiar to the Arabs, the Greeks, and the Romans. The modern discoveries of Rich, of Botta, and other explorers, have thrown much light upon its ancient condition, and have shown that it was the seat of much architectural splendor and of a profoundly symbolical religion, which had something of the characteristics of the Mithraic worship. In the mythical relations of the Old Constitutions, which make up the legend of the Craft, it is spoken of as the ancient birthplace of Masonry. Where Nimrod, who was its builder, and ‘was a Mason and loved well the Craft,’ employed 60,000 Masons to build it, and gave them a charge, ‘that they should be true,’ and this, says the Harleian Manuscript, was the first time that any Mason had any charge of Craft.” (page 602, emphasis ours)
Freemasons absolutely love Nimrod, the fountain-head of all Black Magick Witchcraft in the world. In fact, this current Masonic drive to the New World Order is nothing more, nor less, than Satan's second attempt to rebuild the Tower of Babel! Therefore, Jonah 3-4 is another blockbuster chapter with which to adorn their second great pillar of the Bible.
Thus, with these perfectly balanced series of chapters, a depiction of two “pillars” is created — each of which is holding up a critically important tenet of Freemasonry. Without extensive manipulation of the order and division of the Old Testament canon, this balanced mathematical structure of the 1611 KJV, and its relationship to those particular passages of Scripture would not have been possible! This Bible would have gone to print with other chapters being in place at the 297-chapter intervals and they would not have held the significance to the Mason as the ones we have listed, above. And, without the simple separation of the word, "forever" into "for" and "ever", Psalm 117 would not have been the perfect chapter to place in the middle, because it would have contained only 32 words, not 33.
We have even discovered some modern KJV printings which have joined this word, because that is the normal English usage. Rest assured, in our original 1611 KJV, the word is separated by a space!
Is this manipulation proof that Bacon and his Knights of the Helmet wrote the KJV? By no means. It simply tells us what Bacon and his literary group were doing when they had the original manuscript from 1610 - 1611. They were assembling their coveted Rosicrucian Bible, their masterpiece -- covering good text with all these horrific images straight from the Abyss.
As I have said before and will repeat it again and again - these dedicated Luciferians could not change the text one iota! Praise the Lord Jesus Christ and His wonderfully Omnipotent Holy Spirit. Jesus promised "Scripture cannot be broken" (John 10:35).
Let us love the KJV for the right reason: the Holy Spirit protected its text against the most evil and most powerful men in world history who tried to tamper with it. While the Rosicrucians -- backed by the power of King James' throne -- implanted so many symbols, they could not touch the text.
Jesus' protection of the KJV text in the face of determined British Government attempts to corrupt it is the greatest reason I can ever think of to really love and trust the KJV!

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but have been very lukewarm in your spiritual walk with Him, you need to immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for renewal. He will instantly forgive you, and fill your heart with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Then, you need to begin a daily walk of prayer and personal Bible Study.
If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to realize His reality and the approaching End of the Age, and want to accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so now, in the privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you are spiritually Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if you were already there. Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of Antichrist will not touch you spiritually.
If you would like to become Born Again, turn to our Salvation Page now.
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