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American Electric Power is still evil.

Well it's time to complain about American Electric Power again. This is the true reason that I will never move to Canton, Kathy, it wasn't you. It was the power company.

Yes. I am an artist and I pay my bills when I get them in the mail, write PAID on them, the date that I paid them and the confirmation code.

And no worries. People get paid. I got stuff to do. I forget about my little checklist that I have saying that I have paid certain people this and that and whatever... I go on about my day.


I got a bill in the mail today from my power company: American Electric Power for $306.72.

This is a large bill for us.

This is actually three months worth of bills for us. In the summertime we are very frugal with our electric and use windows instead of light and keep the thermostat at a nice eighty.

So we are about one hundred a month. And that's feasible. AEP didn't think we had a good set-up. I called in.


automated voice.

I press Zero one hundred times.

Got a human who speaks English as a first language.

"Ok. I need someone to tell me why my power company hasn't sent me a bill in three months and then sends me a disconnect notice."

"You signed up for E-Bill"

"No I didn't."

We didn't sign you up. The customer signs up. You signed up for E-Bill.

"You are incorrect. You signed me up. Unsign me up and send me a paper bill from now on."

"Sir. We have no way of signing you..."

"I didn't sign up. Someone signed me up. Probably that ambitious person from India I got last time. Oh sorry. Bangladesh. I know one of your 700 call centers is in Dhaka, that's the person I spoke to last. I didn't sign up for it. They signed me up."

"Sir I don't think that they signed you up. We don't ha..."

"Listen... (Angry) IF YOU WANT TO RECEIVE MY PAPER THEN YOU WILL SEND ME PAPER! Do you understand me?"

(Haughty) "Yes Sir." (Snide) "Is there anything else I can do for you today?"

"Unsign me up for your E-Bill."

"Yes Sir. Anything else I can do for you?"

"Sign me up for your paper bill."

"Ok. Anything else?"

"No. Have a good day."

"Thank you for choosing AEP. Goodbye."

