God so loved the cosmos that He gave His only begotten Son to you. And even though you may hate, mock, and revile Him, He would do it all again if it was you who had crucified Him. That's love man. That's some dynamic love.
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PT Shamrock's Mid November 2019 Newsletter
I'm raising money to visit
On August 24th 2016, I felt the Lord’s hand on my life to raise money for Pastor Vinod and the orphans in the area where he lived. In the 3 ½ years since, we have raised almost $215,000 for the children. Now, through the help of generous supporters, the Orphanage and church are doing greater things than ever before.
Passing out Bibles to the villages around the city of Udgir, it is a far more effective ministry today than before. Udgir is located in the middle of the southern finger of India, Northwest of Hyderabad and East of Mumbai. The villages surrounding the area are very poor and the locals do not have much hope.
Pastor Vinod and his family have been purchasing Bibles for the surrounding area Christians and their families as well as not only supplying them food, but purchasing farmland so they can grow their own crops for themselves. Truly the church is growing through the labor and love of the saints.
Click Here to give for Pauly
Around a year ago, I felt the same leading of the Lord to help Pastor John Babu in the eastern part of India, doing almost the same ministry as Pastor Vinod. Wow. The Lord was trying to communicate to me something important and vital in my life. So here I am being obedient. Pastor John has a much different ministry than Pastor Vinod, in location, emphasis and partnership. Right now, the children at Living Light Orphanage have to walk 3 ½ miles to school one way. That’s 7 miles on a daily walk. Pastor John desires to not only buy a bus to take his children to school, but he also has a burning desire to build his own school on it’s own land, along with the Orphanage. Owning the land is key.
To have your own Christian School in your neighborhood means that not only could you teach your children Godly curriculum, but he could also teach the surrounding area around him. Both Pastor Vinod and Pastor John know that children are the future, and we are blessed when we pour into their lives.
Both Pastors also realize the truth of James 1:27: “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” and feed not only the orphans around them, but the elderly widows and widowers. Often in India, when the family unit is broken, the aged population are left to fend for themselves. They are very neglected.
Both Pastors love Jesus, preach the Word of God from the Bible, and live very sincere lives.
It is my goal to visit both Pastors in India this coming January to determine how we can better help them meet their needs. Right now, all we have been doing is raising money for them... Primarily, I have been the recipient, collector, and distributor of two Go Fund Me fundraisers. Is that all there is to my ministry?
How could I better impact the lives of these untold hundreds of children better? If I visited them would I understand better the need to more articulate it to you? I believe that the answer is an astounding: “YES!” So, to you do I now appeal.
I will be bringing some toys along with some teaching tools for both men and the estimated total costs will be between $5,900 to $6,500. That includes my air-fair as well. I pray that you consider helping me get there. God bless you.
Passing out Bibles to the villages around the city of Udgir, it is a far more effective ministry today than before. Udgir is located in the middle of the southern finger of India, Northwest of Hyderabad and East of Mumbai. The villages surrounding the area are very poor and the locals do not have much hope.
Pastor Vinod and his family have been purchasing Bibles for the surrounding area Christians and their families as well as not only supplying them food, but purchasing farmland so they can grow their own crops for themselves. Truly the church is growing through the labor and love of the saints.
Click Here to give for Pauly
Around a year ago, I felt the same leading of the Lord to help Pastor John Babu in the eastern part of India, doing almost the same ministry as Pastor Vinod. Wow. The Lord was trying to communicate to me something important and vital in my life. So here I am being obedient. Pastor John has a much different ministry than Pastor Vinod, in location, emphasis and partnership. Right now, the children at Living Light Orphanage have to walk 3 ½ miles to school one way. That’s 7 miles on a daily walk. Pastor John desires to not only buy a bus to take his children to school, but he also has a burning desire to build his own school on it’s own land, along with the Orphanage. Owning the land is key.
To have your own Christian School in your neighborhood means that not only could you teach your children Godly curriculum, but he could also teach the surrounding area around him. Both Pastor Vinod and Pastor John know that children are the future, and we are blessed when we pour into their lives.
Both Pastors also realize the truth of James 1:27: “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” and feed not only the orphans around them, but the elderly widows and widowers. Often in India, when the family unit is broken, the aged population are left to fend for themselves. They are very neglected.
Both Pastors love Jesus, preach the Word of God from the Bible, and live very sincere lives.
It is my goal to visit both Pastors in India this coming January to determine how we can better help them meet their needs. Right now, all we have been doing is raising money for them... Primarily, I have been the recipient, collector, and distributor of two Go Fund Me fundraisers. Is that all there is to my ministry?
How could I better impact the lives of these untold hundreds of children better? If I visited them would I understand better the need to more articulate it to you? I believe that the answer is an astounding: “YES!” So, to you do I now appeal.
I will be bringing some toys along with some teaching tools for both men and the estimated total costs will be between $5,900 to $6,500. That includes my air-fair as well. I pray that you consider helping me get there. God bless you.
I will never celebrate tyranny
Here is an article from a reporter from the tiny country of Sri Lanka, on the perspective of how the world sees the US Military.
The US military is a force for evil across the world. I don’t use the word lightly, but I don’t know what else to call an unaccountable organization that murders hundreds of thousands, abducts and tortures, and destabilizes entire regions. Especially now that it’s backed by a clear supremacist commander-in-chief. If that’s not evil then I think you’re using the word wrong.
In addition to aggression, the US military also supports oppression. America, through its military agreements, backs dictators and cruel governments across the world — from Saudi Arabia to Egypt to Bahrain — and makes government-to-government deals that screw the people. Where there is a US military presence, the government basically gets a blank check to oppress the people.
The logic behind these agreements is that the US is somehow good at fighting terrorism, but they’re really not. They’ve been ‘fighting terrorism’ for 20 years, spending nearly 6 trillion dollars, and they quite conclusively suck. The countries they’ve occupied end up having more terrorism than before. This is a fail.
I mention this because there is a proposal called the Status Of Forces Agreement (SOFA) pending between the US and my country and PLEASE FUCKING NO.
Under this agreement (as reported by the Sunday Times) US troops would have free access to come and go to Sri Lanka without passports, they would not be subject to any laws here, and they would be able to freely move weapons, materiel and use radio spectrum. They and their contractors would also not have to pay taxes.
This has been opposed as a threat to Sri Lanka’s sovereignty, which is actually not my problem as I am not a sovereign. I am a human being that lives here, and we are the ones that get screwed, abducted, murdered, and/or oppressed under these agreements.
I want the US military nowhere near me. This is a group of completely unaccountable people with a global track record of murder, torture and failure. Why on earth would we invite them in?
The American Military Encourages Terrorism
In America it is common to ‘thank the troops’, but you have to ask for what. The trope is that they fight for ‘liberty’, but this is complete nonsense. Liberty for who? Does a random person in Iowa benefit from someone in Afghanistan having their door kicked in and being shot in front of their family?
American troops don’t defend American land and they wage wars of aggression, not defense. American troops don’t really serve their own people, and they certainly don’t serve the people they occupy. This war machine serves a military-industrial complex that can start but not end wars and which burns money and lives with no end. That may actually be the point.
The USA is the only country that seems to consider it a right to bomb, invade and occupy other countries. If anyone else does this it is considered an unconscionable act of aggression with no place in the modern world. The US has some reality distortion field that makes this normal for them, but it’s not normal. It’s bad for any country to invade and kill people, including the US. They have no right to fly lethal drones wherever they want and they definitely don’t have a right to boots and guns on the ground wherever they please.
It is important to remember that the US is still involved in endless wars. Not only did they attack and continue to occupy Iraq and Afghanistan, they are currently waging the ‘war on terror’ in 76 countries, 39% of the countries of the world. The Nation
These are also stupid, losing wars, by their own definitions. By any measure terrorism has become worse since they started fighting it. A US military presence actually creates more terrorism, and it’s the most potent recruiting tool out there. Like every war on nouns, the war on terror has spread and helped terrorism evolve to become more deadly and virulent.
Global Terrorism Index
As you can see, Afghanistan and Iraq as hotbeds of terrorism didn’t exist before the US military went there. They definitely had other problems, but if you’re looking statistically at terrorism, the US military seems to be a cause, not the solution. It certainly doesn’t make things better.
The US military created the oppressive conditions, left the weapons and money, and even indirectly offered training for the people that became Al Qaeda in Iraq and then ISIS. This new form of terrorism spread over to Syria, spreading and metastized across the globe, where it indirectly blew up in Sri Lanka during the Easter Attacks.
The US military does not fight terrorism. Maybe that’s what they want to do, but the organization’s actual effect is more terrorism. Wittingly or not, the US military is part of a military-industrial-terrorist complex that creates conflict and violence across the globe. The world would be much better off if they just stayed home.
The American Military Supports Oppression Besides terrorism, the US military also enables oppression in places it occupies. In countries like Egypt, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia where there is a US military presence, those agreements are between governments, and the people get screwed.
In Bahrain the government was able to quash democracy protests while the US turned a blind eye, and Saudi Arabia can get away with running one of the most oppressive states in the world and murdering journalists in foreign countries because the US backs them. In Egypt and Israel and any number of countries where US military alliances make life miserable for the human beings living there.
Not Here
I do not want to live in a country occupied by the US military. Occupy is a strong word, but I don’t know what else to call an armed force that’s allowed to come and go and not follow any local laws. Sri Lanka doesn’t need their help fighting terrorism because they actively suck at fighting terrorism. Having the US military here would make terrorism much worse. The Sri Lankan people also don’t need them giving a carte blanche to our government to abuse us.
This Status Of Forces Agreement is an abomination and any agreement with the US military is something every country should avoid. Their propaganda deals with Transformers and other Hollywood movies make make it seem like they are the ‘good guys’, but they don’t actually turn those guns on aliens. They turn them on brown people, and they ultimately benefit no one except the military-industrial complex. The American military, as it is currently spread across the world, is not good for humanity. In practice, they are a force for evil.
They should not be allowed in Sri Lanka. They should not be allowed anywhere. But seriously, not in Sri Lanka. I live here.
from HERE
PT Shamrock's November 2019 Newsletter
PT Shamrock's November 2019 Newsletter
"The US justice system is "very generous" at handing out sentences as "people remain in prison for a long time over the smallest violations. They are just taking their lives away from the girls. No correction is happening while behind bars."
- Maria Butina, recently released from US prison.
In this issue:
* Welcome To Freedumbville USSA!
* Bend Over!
* Food for thought
* The District of Criminals
* Police State
* Red Hot Product!
* Advisory
* Why Consider Offshore Banking?
* Shamrock's Missive
* Letters To The Editor
* Quote of the month!
*** Welcome To Freedumbville USSA!
Motor vehicle departments around the United States are taking drivers' personal information and selling it to a range of businesses, including private investigators, generating millions of dollars in revenue, said a scathing new report.
According to Motherboard, which obtained hundreds of pages of documents through public records requests, members of the public are likely not even aware that the data they're obligated to provide is being sold -- in some instances, to private investigators who specifically advertise they'll surveil spouses to see if they're cheating.
"You need to learn what they've been doing, when they've been doing it, who they've been doing it with and how long it has been going on. You need to see proof with your own eyes," says the website of Integrity Investigations, one private investigator company that purchases data from DMVs.
The Virginia DMV has sold data to 109 private investigator firms, while the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission has sold data to at least 16 private investigation firms, according to spreadsheets viewed by Motherboard. In addition, records obtained by the news outlet revealed that the Wisconsin DMV made more than $17 million selling drivers' data.
According to an investigation by Motherboard, DMVs around the country are selling drivers' personal information. (Photo by George Frey/Getty Images)
According to an investigation by Motherboard, DMVs around the country are selling drivers' personal information.
Other companies, including consumer credit reporting agency Experian and research company LexisNexis, have also been beneficiaries of the DMV data, according to Motherboard.
Beyond basic privacy concerns, one expert said, there could be big implications for someone fleeing an abusive situation.
"The selling of personally identifying information to third parties is broadly a privacy issue for all and specifically a safety issue for survivors of abuse, including domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking and trafficking," Erica Olsen, director of Safety Net at the National Network to End Domestic Violence, told Motherboard.
As Motherboard notes, the data being sold varies depending on the state, but it usually includes a person's name and address; in some cases, it also includes their date of birth, ZIP code and phone number.
The Driver's Privacy Protection Act (DPPA) of 1994, which was meant to restrict access to DMV data, has a range of exemptions -- including for the sale of information to private investigators.
The above courtesy of DMVs are selling your data and making millions, documents reportedly reveal by Christopher Carbone.
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*** Bend Over!
Amazon's 'smart' doorbell allows customers to spy on 'minorities minding their own f**ng business'
- RT
A shadowy partnership between Amazon's 'smart' doorbell company and hundreds of police departments across America has fueled paranoia and pushed the country closer to an Orwellian surveillance state, Redacted Tonight reports.
Amazon's Ring has given 400 US police departments access to its customers' home surveillance footage, raising serious privacy concerns – particularly because many clients have reportedly never consented to participating in the program.
As Redacted Tonight correspondent Natalie McGill argues, the company feeds on paranoia and prejudice, leading to a spike in reports to police that turn out to be false alarms.
Neighbors are now encouraged to "upload footage and chat about suspicious looking people," McGill said, adding: "and, by 'suspicious looking people', I just mean minorities minding their own f****g business."
Watch the full episode here - https://www.rt.com/usa/468350-amazon-ring-police-lee-camp/
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Food for thought
How to Retire in Ireland: Costs, Visas and More
- Sam Lipscomb
Retire in Ireland
Ireland is home to some of the most stunning landscapes and coastlines in the world. This, plus the pace of life and rich Irish culture, make it an ideal destination for Americans looking to retire abroad. Americans who go this route should be ready to spend more in Ireland, though, as housing and other costs are generally higher than in the U.S. Still, it's entirely possible to live on the Emerald Isle for a manageable price. Here's what you need to know about cost of living, visa rules, and more.
Cost of Retiring in Ireland
Even the priciest areas in Ireland aren't as expensive as New York City or San Francisco. However, that doesn't necessarily mean the country is cheap, either. According to July 2019 data from Numbeo.com, a site that measures the cost of living of various countries around the world, average prices in Ireland are, on average, 6.45% higher than in the U.S.
Similarly, rent in Ireland is 6.47% more expensive than in the U.S. But if you're planning on buying a house, you can expect to pay about what you would in America. Even at these prices, renting is typically the way to go in Irish cities that fall into either the mid-size or small categories.
As is the case with any country you choose to retire in, your cost of living will heavily depend upon where you choose to call home. Dublin is the most expensive city in Ireland, and choosing to live in the city center there will cost you quite a bit of money.
Ireland is known for its gorgeous countrysides, though. So if living in a quaint town here is of interest to you, doing so can help you save some cash. Be aware, too, that residents older than 66 can take advantage of Irish public transportation for free.
Getting an Irish Visa
In visit and remain in Ireland for up to three months as a tourist. While this might suffice for your home search prior to your move, a retirement visa is necessary for a longer stay.
To obtain this, you'll need to prove to Irish authorities that you have an income of at least 50,000 euros (about $56,000 as of Aug. 2019) per year, or 100,000 euros (about $112,000) if you're applying as a couple. You'll also need proof of a lump sum of money in case of an emergency, which should be around $250,000. Unfortunately, you will not be able to work for supplementary income with this visa.
Ireland requires you to renew your visa every year for the first five years that you reside in its borders. After five years, you can get a five-year visa. Only after you live there for a decade will you be able to apply for permanent residency.
Healthcare in Ireland
Ireland offers both public and private healthcare. According to the World Health Organization, the Irish health system is ranked 19th in the world, but about half of residents opt for private insurance, too.
You're charged for public healthcare on a per-visit basis. Most emergency room visits will cost around 100 euros (about $112), whereas visits to a doctor's office can cost as little as 25 euros (about $28). For those that go with a private health insurance policy, it will cost you around 1,500 euros (about $1,680) annually. Residents over 70 years old can opt in for the public healthcare system without private insurance.
Taxes in Ireland
An Irish retirement visa doesn't allow you to work in Ireland, but you still need to file your taxes there. For the most part, retirement income won't be taxed in Ireland if it's generated outside of Irish borders.
As is the case with any American citizen living abroad, you'll still need to file your U.S. taxes as well. That being said, it's important to talk to a financial advisor to ensure that you're paying what's due come tax time.
Safety in Ireland
According to Aug. 2019 data from SafeAround, dangerous crime is rather uncommon in Ireland. Some of the larger cities like Dublin have some pickpocketing issues, but they're relatively minor. In general, Ireland is about as safe a country as you'll find, with petty crime unlikely to be a problem for anyone looking to retire there.
Bottom Line
Ireland can be expensive, but it's a great retirement destination. It's easy to find cheaper housing and living options, and the Irish lifestyle is perfect for anyone who is looking to settle down and live life on the slower side.
Some areas of the country are exceptionally rainy, but temperatures are mild throughout. And while visa requirements are steep for some, it's easy to obtain a visa once you're able to meet said requirements. If you're looking for a European retirement destination, Ireland should not be overlooked.
Tips for Retiring in Ireland
It's a good idea to talk to a financial advisor before you move to Ireland or any other foreign destination. Finding the right financial advisor that fits your needs doesn't have to be hard. SmartAsset's free tool matches you with financial advisors in your area in 5 minutes. If you're ready to be matched with local advisors that will help you achieve your financial goals, get started now.
Will your current retirement savings allow you to keep up with the cost of living in Ireland? Our retirement calculator can help you see just how much income your current savings will afford you in your golden years.
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*** The District of Criminals
Russian intelligence 'targets Tor anonymous browser'
- RT
Hackers who breached a Russian intelligence contractor found that it had been trying to crack the Tor browser and been working on other secret projects, the BBC has learned.
Tor is an anonymous web browser, used by those wishing to access the dark web and avoid government surveillance.
It is very popular in Russia.
The hackers stole some 7.5 terabytes of data from SyTech, a contractor for Russia's Federal Security Service FSB, and included details of its projects.
It is not clear how successful the attempt to crack the anonymous browser was, as the method relied heavily on luck to match Tor users to their activity.
Hackers from a group known as 0v1ru$ gained access to the company on 13 July, and replaced its internet homepage with a smug smiley face often used by internet trolls.
The information was shared with other hackers and journalists.
How did they plan to crack Tor?
To crack Tor, SyTech came up with Nautilus-S, which involved actively taking part in Tor and being part of the network.
When a user connects to Tor, internet service providers are able to see that Tor is being used. This data can be demanded by the FSB, and other state authorities in other countries.
However, the ISPs do not know what sites are being visited through the system - just that it is being used.
Defending Tor - gateway to the dark web
Putin, power and poison: Russia’s elite FSB spy club
But the Tor network is run by volunteers and enthusiasts - and SyTech set up a "contribution" to the network known as an exit node - the last computer the signal passes through before reaching the website.
If a user, by chance, happens to exit the network through SyTech's node, the contractor will know which website is being visited, but not who the visitor is.
There are two potential risks: combining the ISP data of who is using the network with which sites are visited at what times could, theoretically, help to identify someone – if they are lucky and the person randomly exits the network through their node.
But SyTech could also carry out a so-called "man in the middle" attack, and replace the webpage the user thought they were visiting with something else.
The system of attack is not unheard of - a 2014 research paper from Karlstad University academics highlighted the use of "malicious exit relays".
But a spokesperson for the Tor project disputed how viable SyTech's attempt to crack Tor would be.
"Although malicious exit nodes could see a fraction of the traffic exiting the network, by design, this would not be enough to deanonymise Tor users," they said.
"Large-scale effective traffic correlation would take a much larger view of the network, and we don't see that happening here."
What were the other projects?
The attempt to crack the most widely-used anonymous browser was just one of the projects unveiled by the hack. Others included:
Nautilus: Another version of Nautilus, without the "-S", was designed to collect information about social media users
Reward: An attempt to find a flaw in the BitTorrent person-to-person system used by millions to download and share illegal copies of movies, TV shows and games
Mentor: Designed to search email servers of major companies
There were at least 20 "non-public" projects contained in the data from the hack, most of which were apparently commissioned by a military unit linked to the FSB.
Russia recently broke its record for connections to the Tor browser network, topping 600,000 users on 11 July.
BBC Russian reports (in Russian) that there had been just 300,000 users at the start of the year - but the record number has been broken five times since then.
The average number of daily users from Russia in the last three months has been more than 400,000.
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*** Police State
Criminalizing everyone
- The Washington Times
"You don't need to know. You can't know." That's what Kathy Norris, a 60-year-old grandmother of eight, was told when she tried to ask court officials why, the day before, federal agents had subjected her home to a furious search.
The agents who spent half a day ransacking Mrs. Norris' longtime home in Spring, Texas, answered no questions while they emptied file cabinets, pulled books off shelves, rifled through drawers and closets, and threw the contents on the floor.
The six agents, wearing SWAT gear and carrying weapons, were with - get this- the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Kathy and George Norris lived under the specter of a covert government investigation for almost six months before the government unsealed a secret indictment and revealed why the Fish and Wildlife Service had treated their family home as if it were a training base for suspected terrorists. Orchids.
That's right. Orchids.
By March 2004, federal prosecutors were well on their way to turning 66-year-old retiree George Norris into an inmate in a federal penitentiary - based on his home-based business of cultivating, importing and selling orchids.
Mrs. Norris testified before the House Judiciary subcommittee on crime this summer. The hearing's topic: the rapid and dangerous expansion of federal criminal law, an expansion that is often unprincipled and highly partisan.
Chairman Robert C. Scott, Virginia Democrat, and ranking member Louie Gohmert, Texas Republican, conducted a truly bipartisan hearing (a D.C. rarity this year).
These two leaders have begun giving voice to the increasing number of experts who worry about "overcriminalization." Astronomical numbers of federal criminal laws lack specifics, can apply to almost anyone and fail to protect innocents by requiring substantial proof that an accused person acted with actual criminal intent.
Mr. Norris ended up spending almost two years in prison because he didn't have the proper paperwork for some of the many orchids he imported. The orchids were all legal - but Mr. Norris and the overseas shippers who had packaged the flowers had failed to properly navigate the many, often irrational, paperwork requirements the U.S. imposed when it implemented an arcane international treaty's new restrictions on trade in flowers and other flora.
The judge who sentenced Mr. Norris had some advice for him and his wife: "Life sometimes presents us with lemons." Their job was, yes, to "turn lemons into lemonade."
The judge apparently failed to appreciate how difficult it is to run a successful lemonade stand when you're an elderly diabetic with coronary complications, arthritis and Parkinson's disease serving time in a federal penitentiary. If only Mr. Norris had been a Libyan terrorist, maybe some European official at least would have weighed in on his behalf to secure a health-based mercy release.
Krister Evertson, another victim of overcriminalization, told Congress, "What I have experienced in these past years is something that should scare you and all Americans." He's right. Evertson, a small-time entrepreneur and inventor, faced two separate federal prosecutions stemming from his work trying to develop clean-energy fuel cells.
The feds prosecuted Mr. Evertson the first time for failing to put a federally mandated sticker on an otherwise lawful UPS package in which he shipped some of his supplies. A jury acquitted him, so the feds brought new charges. This time they claimed he technically had "abandoned" his fuel-cell materials - something he had no intention of doing - while defending himself against the first charges. Mr. Evertson, too, spent almost two years in federal prison.
As George Washington University law professor Stephen Saltzburg testified at the House hearing, cases like these "illustrate about as well as you can illustrate the overreach of federal criminal law." The Cato Institute's Timothy Lynch, an expert on overcriminalization, called for "a clean line between lawful conduct and unlawful conduct." A person should not be deemed a criminal unless that person "crossed over that line knowing what he or she was doing." Seems like common sense, but apparently it isn't to some federal officials.
Former U.S. Attorney General Richard Thornburgh's testimony captured the essence of the problems that worry so many criminal-law experts. "Those of us concerned about this subject," he testified, "share a common goal - to have criminal statutes that punish actual criminal acts and [that] do not seek to criminalize conduct that is better dealt with by the seeking of regulatory and civil remedies." Only when the conduct is sufficiently wrongful and severe, Mr. Thornburgh said, does it warrant the "stigma, public condemnation and potential deprivation of liberty that go along with [the criminal] sanction."
The Norrises' nightmare began with the search in October 2003. It didn't end until Mr. Norris was released from federal supervision in December 2008. His wife testified, however, that even after he came home, the man she had married was still gone. He was by then 71 years old. Unsurprisingly, serving two years as a federal convict - in addition to the years it took to defend unsuccessfully against the charges - had taken a severe toll on him mentally, emotionally and physically.
These are repressive consequences for an elderly man who made mistakes in a small business. The feds should be ashamed, and Mr. Evertson is right that everyone else should be scared. Far too many federal laws are far too broad.
Mr. Scott and Mr. Gohmert have set the stage for more hearings on why this places far too many Americans at risk of unjust punishment. Members of both parties in Congress should follow their lead.
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PT Shamrock
"The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion."
- Edmund Burke - 1784
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*** Advisory
9 tips for not getting spied on while traveling
- Ethan Wolff-Mann
Our phones and computers may be relatively secure, but nothing is particularly secure when up against state-sponsored hacking operations. Most companies and organizations have strict rules governing laptops and phones to prevent their data and intellectual property from being stolen or otherwise compromised. Often, they involve a list of countries to which burner devices are encouraged or required.
Corporate espionage is an enormous problem — especially when it's done by other countries. Often, that country is China, and the theft of intellectual property is a major grievance in the current trade war. According to a CNBC survey of CFOs in March, one in five North American companies claim to have had their intellectual property stolen within the past year.
China isn't the only source of trouble, however. There are many countries that engage in corporate cyber espionage – but rather than just simply avoiding travel to countries on the "high-risk" list, cybersecurity professionals would rather you change how you think about your security.
The right way to think about security
The most important thing to do before travel is to think about yourself and your own risk profile, cybersecurity experts Alex Hamerstone of TrustedSec and Michael Rohrs, head of the cyber consulting practice in the Americas for Control Risks told Yahoo Finance.
"What do I have that someone else might want?" is the question that Hamerstone advises people to think about first. "The fact of the matter is a lot of surveillance can be automated, but as far as truly targeting someone, they can't target every single traveler," he said. In other words, a corporate traveler presents a much different risk profile than someone on vacation.
Usually. Sometimes, it's a little more nuanced — you may not realize that you could be a target. For example, if you work for a large company, it might have some sort of intellectual property worth taking. Even if you don't work on something sensitive, one compromised device – your company-issued laptop or smartphone – can be enough to get a cyber foot in the door.
Understanding the country you're going to is key. If you work for a tech company, you might want to be careful going to certain countries with records of IP theft or espionage.
Hamerstone says that a great guideline to follow is: you can't lose what you don't have. "You don't want to travel with devices loaded with information. Don't take your everyday computer; take something different," he said. "Some companies have loaner laptops specifically hardened to go overseas."
The FBI has a list of "critical information" that it recommends people avoid bringing with them: Customer data, employee data, vendor information, pricing strategies, proprietary formulas and processes, technical components and plans, corporate strategies, corporate financial data, phone directories, computer access protocols, computer network design, acquisition strategies, marketing strategies, investment data, negotiation strategies, passwords.
If you're unable to take a loaner device, you can always make a backup and remove things. And since phones can be had for cheap, it's often worth getting a burner. And if you can use a VPN, which extends a private network to a public one, you should.
Important things to consider
Cybersecurity experts first advise people to find out the laws in the place they're going to. Certain countries ban bringing encrypted devices in and out of the country or to specific countries. This can even include the U.S., as "exporting" an encrypted device to certain places could be a violation of U.S. sanctions.
In other countries, tools like encryption and VPNs may be illegal or regulated and could result in harassment from the government in countries like Belarus, Burma, China, Hungary, Iran, Israel, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Morocco, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, and Ukraine, according to Texas State University. Even possessing a device that is encrypted poses a travel risk.
One cybersecurity expert said that being detained at the border for no other reason than that would be a "self-inflicted wound."
Some countries are known to systematically monitor all information, like China, Russia, and Belarus. China is especially not shy about mentioning that it systematically monitors communications.
Another way to think about what countries might pose a problem: countries implicated in massive spyware campaigns, like NSO Group, an Israeli company that was mired in scandal for selling its Pegasus spyware technology to authoritarian countries. Mexico used it to spy on cartels, but also for government and industry surveillance, according to the New York Times.
According to Citizen Lab, which is part of the University of Toronto, 45 countries were involved in Pegasus.
9 good guidelines for traveling
Rohr, the cyber expert at Control Risks, a global security company that businesses often consult, provided a handy list of nine guidelines for traveling:
1. Understand the encryption laws in the country you're traveling to. You're subject to local law. (You can ask your IT department, consult a cybersecurity expert, or even try Googling.)
2. The same is true of VPN services.
3. Only take the devices and the info on the devices you feel you absolutely need.
4. Find a balance between security and convenience.
5. Make sure all your apps and operating systems are updated and patched to the extent possible before you travel.
6.Try to avoid downloading new apps or updates to existing apps or operating systems while you're in foreign countries.
7. If you can use a VPN in your country of travel, we recommend it as opposed to relying on infrastructure in your hotel or the airport.
8. Have your devices scanned on your return before you connect them back to trusted home infrastructure like a home or office Wi-Fi.
9. Encrypt your devices — if you're allowed to have encrypted devices. If you leave them in a cab or hotel or airplane, they're be bricked.
A list of countries
Every person will have their own individual list of countries in which they should exercise caution that's separate from the list of 45 countries involved in Pegasus, for example. But a good place to start is with your employer. Often, the IT department has a list and protocol. Another great place: the U.S. government — which spies too — and its websites. Cybersecurity experts recommend looking at countries with sanctions and countries with travel advisories and looking for reported cyber threats.
Often, public institutions like colleges provide lists, unlike the IT department of a company. For example, the IT departments of Stanford and University of Colorado, Boulder have publiclists of "high-risk" countries for anyone to look at that are updated when necessary.
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*** Why Consider Offshore Banking?
The raising of taxes to fund a failing economy, local courts and administrations encouraging a culture of legal actions aimed at asset confiscagtion, the prevalence of divorce, malicious prosecution, and out unstable political world. These political and social factors that you cannot control could effect assets held domestically in your home jurisidicition and all make their own agrument each for relocating assets offshore.
The offshor envirornment, on the other hand, delivers freedom from the above concerns and freedoms from red tape.
Offshore banking with the diverse selction of banks we have on offer, howver, isn't only about protecting assets. Offshore banking also equals access to investment products and opportunities that might not be avsailable from your domestic bank, as well as an effective level of privacy/security usually unheard of "onshore."
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Shamrock's Missive:
The "global policing program."
We've been predicting this for more than 23 years. Now folks, here it is direct from the New York Times - http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/12/world/europe/12iht-interpol.html?_r=1
This "global policing program" is setup to become the WORLD'S version of the American "Watch List". This list will have tens of thousands of innocent people placed on a worldwide watch list that can result in, extra questions, searches, etc. and of course denial of boarding, not to mention jail.
This is just the first step in this worldwide plan by the Terrocrats to obtain data of millions of travelers a year.
The next step is to place on the database all biometric data, fingerprints, iris scans, and digital pictures from each and every person who obtains a passport; every person that enters and departs one of the sixty plus countries (and growing) signed up for this program with more privacy stealing horrors to follow.
No matter where and how you travel, every time you are or have been scanned, fingerprinted and photographed upon arrival at any airport in the world, the Terrocrats are going to place YOUR information into a database and be able to track you. Worse the Terrocrats around the world will have the ability to access these global databases to determine who they are stopping simply by scanning your passport, your facial features and finger and palm scans.
The question is; What Are You Going To Do About It?
See you next issue
"The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion."
- Edmund Burke, 1784
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*** Letters to the Editor:
Keep them postcards and letters coming' folks, 'cause we
done mailed the rosebushes!
Dear Shamrock,
Greetings ... Thanks for your cutting edge news. And, commitment to maintaining freedom for
the average person. Please send info on "New Debit Card."
Dear J.,
Many thanks for the kind words. Please find attached details for our new debit card offering.
PT Shamrock
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Quote of the month!
Any US person contemplating wealth preservation and international diversification must understand two U.S. government concepts: income tax and reportable assets. If you hold assets offshore, some are reportable to the government and some are not. And if you make income while overseas, it is all reportable, although some of it is exempt (the first $104,100 for 2018) plus a $14,000 housing allowance). Under Section 911 of the US tax code, the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion for 2018 increases from $102,100 in 2017 to $104,100 in 2018.
- Dr. Charles Freeman, author of the best selling report, "How To Legally Obtain A Second Passport," and offshore consulting guru.
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"The right to privacy is a part of our basic freedoms. Privacy is fundamental to close family ties, competitive free enterprise, the ownership of property, and the exchange of ideas."
PT Shamrock - issue one; 1994
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Don't forget to check out our Special Offers at
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"Mehr sein, als scheinen" (German Proverb)
Be more, seem less!
PT Shamrock Limited
Suite #79, 184 Lower Rathmines Road, Rathmines, Dublin D6, Ireland
PT Shamrock Ltd.
"The US justice system is "very generous" at handing out sentences as "people remain in prison for a long time over the smallest violations. They are just taking their lives away from the girls. No correction is happening while behind bars."
- Maria Butina, recently released from US prison.
In this issue:
* Welcome To Freedumbville USSA!
* Bend Over!
* Food for thought
* The District of Criminals
* Police State
* Red Hot Product!
* Advisory
* Why Consider Offshore Banking?
* Shamrock's Missive
* Letters To The Editor
* Quote of the month!
*** Welcome To Freedumbville USSA!
Motor vehicle departments around the United States are taking drivers' personal information and selling it to a range of businesses, including private investigators, generating millions of dollars in revenue, said a scathing new report.
According to Motherboard, which obtained hundreds of pages of documents through public records requests, members of the public are likely not even aware that the data they're obligated to provide is being sold -- in some instances, to private investigators who specifically advertise they'll surveil spouses to see if they're cheating.
"You need to learn what they've been doing, when they've been doing it, who they've been doing it with and how long it has been going on. You need to see proof with your own eyes," says the website of Integrity Investigations, one private investigator company that purchases data from DMVs.
The Virginia DMV has sold data to 109 private investigator firms, while the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission has sold data to at least 16 private investigation firms, according to spreadsheets viewed by Motherboard. In addition, records obtained by the news outlet revealed that the Wisconsin DMV made more than $17 million selling drivers' data.
According to an investigation by Motherboard, DMVs around the country are selling drivers' personal information. (Photo by George Frey/Getty Images)
According to an investigation by Motherboard, DMVs around the country are selling drivers' personal information.
Other companies, including consumer credit reporting agency Experian and research company LexisNexis, have also been beneficiaries of the DMV data, according to Motherboard.
Beyond basic privacy concerns, one expert said, there could be big implications for someone fleeing an abusive situation.
"The selling of personally identifying information to third parties is broadly a privacy issue for all and specifically a safety issue for survivors of abuse, including domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking and trafficking," Erica Olsen, director of Safety Net at the National Network to End Domestic Violence, told Motherboard.
As Motherboard notes, the data being sold varies depending on the state, but it usually includes a person's name and address; in some cases, it also includes their date of birth, ZIP code and phone number.
The Driver's Privacy Protection Act (DPPA) of 1994, which was meant to restrict access to DMV data, has a range of exemptions -- including for the sale of information to private investigators.
The above courtesy of DMVs are selling your data and making millions, documents reportedly reveal by Christopher Carbone.
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*** Bend Over!
Amazon's 'smart' doorbell allows customers to spy on 'minorities minding their own f**ng business'
- RT
A shadowy partnership between Amazon's 'smart' doorbell company and hundreds of police departments across America has fueled paranoia and pushed the country closer to an Orwellian surveillance state, Redacted Tonight reports.
Amazon's Ring has given 400 US police departments access to its customers' home surveillance footage, raising serious privacy concerns – particularly because many clients have reportedly never consented to participating in the program.
As Redacted Tonight correspondent Natalie McGill argues, the company feeds on paranoia and prejudice, leading to a spike in reports to police that turn out to be false alarms.
Neighbors are now encouraged to "upload footage and chat about suspicious looking people," McGill said, adding: "and, by 'suspicious looking people', I just mean minorities minding their own f****g business."
Watch the full episode here - https://www.rt.com/usa/468350-amazon-ring-police-lee-camp/
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Food for thought
How to Retire in Ireland: Costs, Visas and More
- Sam Lipscomb
Retire in Ireland
Ireland is home to some of the most stunning landscapes and coastlines in the world. This, plus the pace of life and rich Irish culture, make it an ideal destination for Americans looking to retire abroad. Americans who go this route should be ready to spend more in Ireland, though, as housing and other costs are generally higher than in the U.S. Still, it's entirely possible to live on the Emerald Isle for a manageable price. Here's what you need to know about cost of living, visa rules, and more.
Cost of Retiring in Ireland
Even the priciest areas in Ireland aren't as expensive as New York City or San Francisco. However, that doesn't necessarily mean the country is cheap, either. According to July 2019 data from Numbeo.com, a site that measures the cost of living of various countries around the world, average prices in Ireland are, on average, 6.45% higher than in the U.S.
Similarly, rent in Ireland is 6.47% more expensive than in the U.S. But if you're planning on buying a house, you can expect to pay about what you would in America. Even at these prices, renting is typically the way to go in Irish cities that fall into either the mid-size or small categories.
As is the case with any country you choose to retire in, your cost of living will heavily depend upon where you choose to call home. Dublin is the most expensive city in Ireland, and choosing to live in the city center there will cost you quite a bit of money.
Ireland is known for its gorgeous countrysides, though. So if living in a quaint town here is of interest to you, doing so can help you save some cash. Be aware, too, that residents older than 66 can take advantage of Irish public transportation for free.
Getting an Irish Visa
In visit and remain in Ireland for up to three months as a tourist. While this might suffice for your home search prior to your move, a retirement visa is necessary for a longer stay.
To obtain this, you'll need to prove to Irish authorities that you have an income of at least 50,000 euros (about $56,000 as of Aug. 2019) per year, or 100,000 euros (about $112,000) if you're applying as a couple. You'll also need proof of a lump sum of money in case of an emergency, which should be around $250,000. Unfortunately, you will not be able to work for supplementary income with this visa.
Ireland requires you to renew your visa every year for the first five years that you reside in its borders. After five years, you can get a five-year visa. Only after you live there for a decade will you be able to apply for permanent residency.
Healthcare in Ireland
Ireland offers both public and private healthcare. According to the World Health Organization, the Irish health system is ranked 19th in the world, but about half of residents opt for private insurance, too.
You're charged for public healthcare on a per-visit basis. Most emergency room visits will cost around 100 euros (about $112), whereas visits to a doctor's office can cost as little as 25 euros (about $28). For those that go with a private health insurance policy, it will cost you around 1,500 euros (about $1,680) annually. Residents over 70 years old can opt in for the public healthcare system without private insurance.
Taxes in Ireland
An Irish retirement visa doesn't allow you to work in Ireland, but you still need to file your taxes there. For the most part, retirement income won't be taxed in Ireland if it's generated outside of Irish borders.
As is the case with any American citizen living abroad, you'll still need to file your U.S. taxes as well. That being said, it's important to talk to a financial advisor to ensure that you're paying what's due come tax time.
Safety in Ireland
According to Aug. 2019 data from SafeAround, dangerous crime is rather uncommon in Ireland. Some of the larger cities like Dublin have some pickpocketing issues, but they're relatively minor. In general, Ireland is about as safe a country as you'll find, with petty crime unlikely to be a problem for anyone looking to retire there.
Bottom Line
Ireland can be expensive, but it's a great retirement destination. It's easy to find cheaper housing and living options, and the Irish lifestyle is perfect for anyone who is looking to settle down and live life on the slower side.
Some areas of the country are exceptionally rainy, but temperatures are mild throughout. And while visa requirements are steep for some, it's easy to obtain a visa once you're able to meet said requirements. If you're looking for a European retirement destination, Ireland should not be overlooked.
Tips for Retiring in Ireland
It's a good idea to talk to a financial advisor before you move to Ireland or any other foreign destination. Finding the right financial advisor that fits your needs doesn't have to be hard. SmartAsset's free tool matches you with financial advisors in your area in 5 minutes. If you're ready to be matched with local advisors that will help you achieve your financial goals, get started now.
Will your current retirement savings allow you to keep up with the cost of living in Ireland? Our retirement calculator can help you see just how much income your current savings will afford you in your golden years.
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*** The District of Criminals
Russian intelligence 'targets Tor anonymous browser'
- RT
Hackers who breached a Russian intelligence contractor found that it had been trying to crack the Tor browser and been working on other secret projects, the BBC has learned.
Tor is an anonymous web browser, used by those wishing to access the dark web and avoid government surveillance.
It is very popular in Russia.
The hackers stole some 7.5 terabytes of data from SyTech, a contractor for Russia's Federal Security Service FSB, and included details of its projects.
It is not clear how successful the attempt to crack the anonymous browser was, as the method relied heavily on luck to match Tor users to their activity.
Hackers from a group known as 0v1ru$ gained access to the company on 13 July, and replaced its internet homepage with a smug smiley face often used by internet trolls.
The information was shared with other hackers and journalists.
How did they plan to crack Tor?
To crack Tor, SyTech came up with Nautilus-S, which involved actively taking part in Tor and being part of the network.
When a user connects to Tor, internet service providers are able to see that Tor is being used. This data can be demanded by the FSB, and other state authorities in other countries.
However, the ISPs do not know what sites are being visited through the system - just that it is being used.
Defending Tor - gateway to the dark web
Putin, power and poison: Russia’s elite FSB spy club
But the Tor network is run by volunteers and enthusiasts - and SyTech set up a "contribution" to the network known as an exit node - the last computer the signal passes through before reaching the website.
If a user, by chance, happens to exit the network through SyTech's node, the contractor will know which website is being visited, but not who the visitor is.
There are two potential risks: combining the ISP data of who is using the network with which sites are visited at what times could, theoretically, help to identify someone – if they are lucky and the person randomly exits the network through their node.
But SyTech could also carry out a so-called "man in the middle" attack, and replace the webpage the user thought they were visiting with something else.
The system of attack is not unheard of - a 2014 research paper from Karlstad University academics highlighted the use of "malicious exit relays".
But a spokesperson for the Tor project disputed how viable SyTech's attempt to crack Tor would be.
"Although malicious exit nodes could see a fraction of the traffic exiting the network, by design, this would not be enough to deanonymise Tor users," they said.
"Large-scale effective traffic correlation would take a much larger view of the network, and we don't see that happening here."
What were the other projects?
The attempt to crack the most widely-used anonymous browser was just one of the projects unveiled by the hack. Others included:
Nautilus: Another version of Nautilus, without the "-S", was designed to collect information about social media users
Reward: An attempt to find a flaw in the BitTorrent person-to-person system used by millions to download and share illegal copies of movies, TV shows and games
Mentor: Designed to search email servers of major companies
There were at least 20 "non-public" projects contained in the data from the hack, most of which were apparently commissioned by a military unit linked to the FSB.
Russia recently broke its record for connections to the Tor browser network, topping 600,000 users on 11 July.
BBC Russian reports (in Russian) that there had been just 300,000 users at the start of the year - but the record number has been broken five times since then.
The average number of daily users from Russia in the last three months has been more than 400,000.
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*** Police State
Criminalizing everyone
- The Washington Times
"You don't need to know. You can't know." That's what Kathy Norris, a 60-year-old grandmother of eight, was told when she tried to ask court officials why, the day before, federal agents had subjected her home to a furious search.
The agents who spent half a day ransacking Mrs. Norris' longtime home in Spring, Texas, answered no questions while they emptied file cabinets, pulled books off shelves, rifled through drawers and closets, and threw the contents on the floor.
The six agents, wearing SWAT gear and carrying weapons, were with - get this- the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Kathy and George Norris lived under the specter of a covert government investigation for almost six months before the government unsealed a secret indictment and revealed why the Fish and Wildlife Service had treated their family home as if it were a training base for suspected terrorists. Orchids.
That's right. Orchids.
By March 2004, federal prosecutors were well on their way to turning 66-year-old retiree George Norris into an inmate in a federal penitentiary - based on his home-based business of cultivating, importing and selling orchids.
Mrs. Norris testified before the House Judiciary subcommittee on crime this summer. The hearing's topic: the rapid and dangerous expansion of federal criminal law, an expansion that is often unprincipled and highly partisan.
Chairman Robert C. Scott, Virginia Democrat, and ranking member Louie Gohmert, Texas Republican, conducted a truly bipartisan hearing (a D.C. rarity this year).
These two leaders have begun giving voice to the increasing number of experts who worry about "overcriminalization." Astronomical numbers of federal criminal laws lack specifics, can apply to almost anyone and fail to protect innocents by requiring substantial proof that an accused person acted with actual criminal intent.
Mr. Norris ended up spending almost two years in prison because he didn't have the proper paperwork for some of the many orchids he imported. The orchids were all legal - but Mr. Norris and the overseas shippers who had packaged the flowers had failed to properly navigate the many, often irrational, paperwork requirements the U.S. imposed when it implemented an arcane international treaty's new restrictions on trade in flowers and other flora.
The judge who sentenced Mr. Norris had some advice for him and his wife: "Life sometimes presents us with lemons." Their job was, yes, to "turn lemons into lemonade."
The judge apparently failed to appreciate how difficult it is to run a successful lemonade stand when you're an elderly diabetic with coronary complications, arthritis and Parkinson's disease serving time in a federal penitentiary. If only Mr. Norris had been a Libyan terrorist, maybe some European official at least would have weighed in on his behalf to secure a health-based mercy release.
Krister Evertson, another victim of overcriminalization, told Congress, "What I have experienced in these past years is something that should scare you and all Americans." He's right. Evertson, a small-time entrepreneur and inventor, faced two separate federal prosecutions stemming from his work trying to develop clean-energy fuel cells.
The feds prosecuted Mr. Evertson the first time for failing to put a federally mandated sticker on an otherwise lawful UPS package in which he shipped some of his supplies. A jury acquitted him, so the feds brought new charges. This time they claimed he technically had "abandoned" his fuel-cell materials - something he had no intention of doing - while defending himself against the first charges. Mr. Evertson, too, spent almost two years in federal prison.
As George Washington University law professor Stephen Saltzburg testified at the House hearing, cases like these "illustrate about as well as you can illustrate the overreach of federal criminal law." The Cato Institute's Timothy Lynch, an expert on overcriminalization, called for "a clean line between lawful conduct and unlawful conduct." A person should not be deemed a criminal unless that person "crossed over that line knowing what he or she was doing." Seems like common sense, but apparently it isn't to some federal officials.
Former U.S. Attorney General Richard Thornburgh's testimony captured the essence of the problems that worry so many criminal-law experts. "Those of us concerned about this subject," he testified, "share a common goal - to have criminal statutes that punish actual criminal acts and [that] do not seek to criminalize conduct that is better dealt with by the seeking of regulatory and civil remedies." Only when the conduct is sufficiently wrongful and severe, Mr. Thornburgh said, does it warrant the "stigma, public condemnation and potential deprivation of liberty that go along with [the criminal] sanction."
The Norrises' nightmare began with the search in October 2003. It didn't end until Mr. Norris was released from federal supervision in December 2008. His wife testified, however, that even after he came home, the man she had married was still gone. He was by then 71 years old. Unsurprisingly, serving two years as a federal convict - in addition to the years it took to defend unsuccessfully against the charges - had taken a severe toll on him mentally, emotionally and physically.
These are repressive consequences for an elderly man who made mistakes in a small business. The feds should be ashamed, and Mr. Evertson is right that everyone else should be scared. Far too many federal laws are far too broad.
Mr. Scott and Mr. Gohmert have set the stage for more hearings on why this places far too many Americans at risk of unjust punishment. Members of both parties in Congress should follow their lead.
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PT Shamrock
"The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion."
- Edmund Burke - 1784
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*** Advisory
9 tips for not getting spied on while traveling
- Ethan Wolff-Mann
Our phones and computers may be relatively secure, but nothing is particularly secure when up against state-sponsored hacking operations. Most companies and organizations have strict rules governing laptops and phones to prevent their data and intellectual property from being stolen or otherwise compromised. Often, they involve a list of countries to which burner devices are encouraged or required.
Corporate espionage is an enormous problem — especially when it's done by other countries. Often, that country is China, and the theft of intellectual property is a major grievance in the current trade war. According to a CNBC survey of CFOs in March, one in five North American companies claim to have had their intellectual property stolen within the past year.
China isn't the only source of trouble, however. There are many countries that engage in corporate cyber espionage – but rather than just simply avoiding travel to countries on the "high-risk" list, cybersecurity professionals would rather you change how you think about your security.
The right way to think about security
The most important thing to do before travel is to think about yourself and your own risk profile, cybersecurity experts Alex Hamerstone of TrustedSec and Michael Rohrs, head of the cyber consulting practice in the Americas for Control Risks told Yahoo Finance.
"What do I have that someone else might want?" is the question that Hamerstone advises people to think about first. "The fact of the matter is a lot of surveillance can be automated, but as far as truly targeting someone, they can't target every single traveler," he said. In other words, a corporate traveler presents a much different risk profile than someone on vacation.
Usually. Sometimes, it's a little more nuanced — you may not realize that you could be a target. For example, if you work for a large company, it might have some sort of intellectual property worth taking. Even if you don't work on something sensitive, one compromised device – your company-issued laptop or smartphone – can be enough to get a cyber foot in the door.
Understanding the country you're going to is key. If you work for a tech company, you might want to be careful going to certain countries with records of IP theft or espionage.
Hamerstone says that a great guideline to follow is: you can't lose what you don't have. "You don't want to travel with devices loaded with information. Don't take your everyday computer; take something different," he said. "Some companies have loaner laptops specifically hardened to go overseas."
The FBI has a list of "critical information" that it recommends people avoid bringing with them: Customer data, employee data, vendor information, pricing strategies, proprietary formulas and processes, technical components and plans, corporate strategies, corporate financial data, phone directories, computer access protocols, computer network design, acquisition strategies, marketing strategies, investment data, negotiation strategies, passwords.
If you're unable to take a loaner device, you can always make a backup and remove things. And since phones can be had for cheap, it's often worth getting a burner. And if you can use a VPN, which extends a private network to a public one, you should.
Important things to consider
Cybersecurity experts first advise people to find out the laws in the place they're going to. Certain countries ban bringing encrypted devices in and out of the country or to specific countries. This can even include the U.S., as "exporting" an encrypted device to certain places could be a violation of U.S. sanctions.
In other countries, tools like encryption and VPNs may be illegal or regulated and could result in harassment from the government in countries like Belarus, Burma, China, Hungary, Iran, Israel, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Morocco, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, and Ukraine, according to Texas State University. Even possessing a device that is encrypted poses a travel risk.
One cybersecurity expert said that being detained at the border for no other reason than that would be a "self-inflicted wound."
Some countries are known to systematically monitor all information, like China, Russia, and Belarus. China is especially not shy about mentioning that it systematically monitors communications.
Another way to think about what countries might pose a problem: countries implicated in massive spyware campaigns, like NSO Group, an Israeli company that was mired in scandal for selling its Pegasus spyware technology to authoritarian countries. Mexico used it to spy on cartels, but also for government and industry surveillance, according to the New York Times.
According to Citizen Lab, which is part of the University of Toronto, 45 countries were involved in Pegasus.
9 good guidelines for traveling
Rohr, the cyber expert at Control Risks, a global security company that businesses often consult, provided a handy list of nine guidelines for traveling:
1. Understand the encryption laws in the country you're traveling to. You're subject to local law. (You can ask your IT department, consult a cybersecurity expert, or even try Googling.)
2. The same is true of VPN services.
3. Only take the devices and the info on the devices you feel you absolutely need.
4. Find a balance between security and convenience.
5. Make sure all your apps and operating systems are updated and patched to the extent possible before you travel.
6.Try to avoid downloading new apps or updates to existing apps or operating systems while you're in foreign countries.
7. If you can use a VPN in your country of travel, we recommend it as opposed to relying on infrastructure in your hotel or the airport.
8. Have your devices scanned on your return before you connect them back to trusted home infrastructure like a home or office Wi-Fi.
9. Encrypt your devices — if you're allowed to have encrypted devices. If you leave them in a cab or hotel or airplane, they're be bricked.
A list of countries
Every person will have their own individual list of countries in which they should exercise caution that's separate from the list of 45 countries involved in Pegasus, for example. But a good place to start is with your employer. Often, the IT department has a list and protocol. Another great place: the U.S. government — which spies too — and its websites. Cybersecurity experts recommend looking at countries with sanctions and countries with travel advisories and looking for reported cyber threats.
Often, public institutions like colleges provide lists, unlike the IT department of a company. For example, the IT departments of Stanford and University of Colorado, Boulder have publiclists of "high-risk" countries for anyone to look at that are updated when necessary.
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*** Why Consider Offshore Banking?
The raising of taxes to fund a failing economy, local courts and administrations encouraging a culture of legal actions aimed at asset confiscagtion, the prevalence of divorce, malicious prosecution, and out unstable political world. These political and social factors that you cannot control could effect assets held domestically in your home jurisidicition and all make their own agrument each for relocating assets offshore.
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Shamrock's Missive:
The "global policing program."
We've been predicting this for more than 23 years. Now folks, here it is direct from the New York Times - http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/12/world/europe/12iht-interpol.html?_r=1
This "global policing program" is setup to become the WORLD'S version of the American "Watch List". This list will have tens of thousands of innocent people placed on a worldwide watch list that can result in, extra questions, searches, etc. and of course denial of boarding, not to mention jail.
This is just the first step in this worldwide plan by the Terrocrats to obtain data of millions of travelers a year.
The next step is to place on the database all biometric data, fingerprints, iris scans, and digital pictures from each and every person who obtains a passport; every person that enters and departs one of the sixty plus countries (and growing) signed up for this program with more privacy stealing horrors to follow.
No matter where and how you travel, every time you are or have been scanned, fingerprinted and photographed upon arrival at any airport in the world, the Terrocrats are going to place YOUR information into a database and be able to track you. Worse the Terrocrats around the world will have the ability to access these global databases to determine who they are stopping simply by scanning your passport, your facial features and finger and palm scans.
The question is; What Are You Going To Do About It?
See you next issue
"The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion."
- Edmund Burke, 1784
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*** Letters to the Editor:
Keep them postcards and letters coming' folks, 'cause we
done mailed the rosebushes!
Dear Shamrock,
Greetings ... Thanks for your cutting edge news. And, commitment to maintaining freedom for
the average person. Please send info on "New Debit Card."
Dear J.,
Many thanks for the kind words. Please find attached details for our new debit card offering.
PT Shamrock
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Quote of the month!
Any US person contemplating wealth preservation and international diversification must understand two U.S. government concepts: income tax and reportable assets. If you hold assets offshore, some are reportable to the government and some are not. And if you make income while overseas, it is all reportable, although some of it is exempt (the first $104,100 for 2018) plus a $14,000 housing allowance). Under Section 911 of the US tax code, the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion for 2018 increases from $102,100 in 2017 to $104,100 in 2018.
- Dr. Charles Freeman, author of the best selling report, "How To Legally Obtain A Second Passport," and offshore consulting guru.
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PT Shamrock - issue one; 1994
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Be more, seem less!
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