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Modern Epistle 4: PDF Version for FREE

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Greetings in Jesus!

As someone who has been on a rollercoaster of writing for the last six years or so, I have enjoyed publishing a novel, a short story collection, and several books of poetry. Recently, I have been following a path of writing that I never intended, but could not stop myself from doing, and this is what you see before you. Writing something like a letter for those that you care about is usually not a publishable item, but I have determined to make them small and inexpensive so that it could easily get to those who need it without an internet connection.

The first definition at defines an epistle as: “A Letter, especially a formal or didactic one; written communication.” This is what this is. This is not intended to act as a substitute, nor an interpretation of scripture for you or anyone. It is merely a missive with my point of view that I was willing to share with you. If something sits right with you, or opens your eyes, or sparks a zeal to learn the Word of God, then the purpose has been complete.

Please enjoy this free copy of Modern Epistle 4. I am giving it away because it is about giving and tithing, and I would be remiss if I decided to not give it away. Plus, I find that it gives you an idea as to what my modern epistles are all about so that you may judge whether or not you would like to acquire another one.

You can view it free HERE. I will probably keep this link open for the remainder of the year, so if you know someone who has questions about tithing or giving... Or even if they don't have questions about it, but you want them to read this, then please share the link. They might need to hear it.

If you agree with the thoughts within and if you feel led of the Lord, please distribute to whomever you wish. If you have had a move of the Holy Spirit in your heart to learn more of what the Lord has revealed to me, by all means visit my website at and find out how you may purchase the rest of them, or just go to my Amazon Page. I would appreciate it.

If however, you find that I am a heretic, a reprobate, and someone who stirs up contention; then by all means delete this from your computer’s memory and move on. If you find that you need to correct the exhortation within, please do so in whatever means you prefer. If you email me personally, I might not have the time to respond to you, so please leave all rebuttals and reproofs on my facebook page at

Whatever you do, whether positive or negative towards this work, I would encourage you to work at it with all your might as working for the Lord, and not for man. For I believe that we are all called to be bond-slaves to Christ and as such, should strive continuously in prayer, supplications and good works to help the body of Christ come to a mature position in Him, who Abraham called: God Most High.

Thanks for taking the time to look at this!

God bless you!

- Pauly Hart