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Apostle Mathis teaches lies

This fool using corrupt VERSIONS to prophesy nonsense.

Let's break this down in the original language for a TRANSLATION.

Isaiah 9:6 - Directly from Hebrew.

"for to us a child is born to us a son is given to and shall be government on his shoulder and called his name wonderful counselor god mighty everlasting prince peace".

So let's add our possessives and adding correct Hebrew punctuation.

"For a child is born to us, a son is given to us, and the government shall be on his shoulder; and his name will be called: 'Wonderful! Counselor! God The Mighty: The Everlasting Prince of Peace!'"

So that's it. If I was translating the Hebrew, I would have used an exclamation instead of a comma on the first sentence, or a colon, but this isn't my translation.

English translators will use synonyms to create copyrights on their work. Sometimes the closest translation to our English is the Authorized King James, other times, it's the Geneva, other times the Tyndale.

However, the verse he is reading is indeed corrupt, from the NIV - "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace."

Nowhere in this scripture does it say: "Father." it's silly.

I hope this helps.

Omar Mateen speaks out

this ass.
It wasn't anti-guns. It wasn't pro-guns. It wasn't anti-homosexuality. It wasn't anti-anything. It was pro-ISIS, pro-ISIL, pro Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Omar Mateen was a gay man, a wife-beater, a student of a terrorist seminary and a compatriot of a suicide bomber. He was a failed police man, failed actor, and a failure at life.

If this wasn't a conspiratorial psy-op, then at least understand what is already known to be the actual facts. #Blacklivesmatter wants you to believe that this is a white man's crime and it was inspired by capitalism. #Liberalmedia wants you to believe that this inspired by a christian, republican, pro-gun agenda.

Don't be stupid. Actually get out there and learn something for yourself, by yourself.

The following is one of the calls by Omar Mateen to the 911 Dispatch operator.


2:35 a.m.: Shooter contacted a 911 operator from inside Pulse. The call lasted approximately 50 seconds, the details of which are set out below:

(OD) Orlando Police Dispatcher; (OM) Omar Mateen

OD: Emergency 911, this is being recorded.

OM: In the name of God the Merciful, the beneficent [Arabic]

OD: What?

OM: Praise be to God, and prayers as well as peace be upon the prophet of God [Arabic]. I wanna let you know, I'm in Orlando and I did the shootings.

OD: What's your name?

OM: My name is I pledge of allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi of the Islamic State.

OD: Ok, What's your name?

OM: I pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi may God protect him [Arabic], on behalf of the Islamic State.

OD: Alright, where are you at?

OM: In Orlando.

OD: Where in Orlando?

[End of call.]

Best Horror Movies Of This Millennium

The "Horror Genre" is one of my favorite film genre's and if you are shrinking back then maybe you don't know what "horror" is. Horror plays on primal instinct with a deep psychological impact. In a true horror movie, there is no escape, you must survive. Gremlins, Arachnophobia, and Jurassic Park all fall under action horror, which is sometimes called "thriller." The only horror movie type that I really don't appreciate is what is called "Slasher flicks" and that's just were a weirdo goes around with a knife. Ugh. Spare me.

Here's the summation so far for the best horror movies from this millennium in my humble opinion. They're not really in any order. I have a hard time saying that one is better than the other.

Cabin In The Woods - 10/10 - best premise
28 Days Later - 10/10 - best zombie film made
The Mist - 10/10 - best monster flick
The Descent - 10/10 - must see
The Ring - 10/10 - great twist
Kill List - 10/10 - mafioso twist
Attack the Block - 10/10 - loveable
The Host - 10/10 - korean horror at it's best
Bug - 10/10 - plodding and itchy

REC, REC2 - 9.5/10 - super amazing found footage
Paranormal Activity - 9.5/10 - great twist
Time Of The Wolf - 9.5/10 - a hard realization
Let The Right One In - 9.5/10 - empathatic, better than the remake
Shutter Island - 9.5/10 - deep and dark

Mulholland Drive - 9/10 - a rare awkwardness
The Others - 9/10 - great ideas
Evil Dead - 9/10 - intense
The Conjuring - 9/10 - "true story"
The Loved Ones - 9/10 - edgy

The Crazies - 8.5/10 - dealing with morality
The Road - 8.5/10 - sadness incarnate

Orphanage - 8/10 - kinda drags
Trouble Every Day - 8/10 - wow
It Follows - 8/10 - stimulating
The Babadook - 8/10 - creepy
The Skin I Live In - 8/10 - what? no.

The Devil's Backbone - 7.5/10 - epic and sad
Sinister - 7.5/10 - creepy
Maniac - 7.5/10 - uber stalker

The Guest - 7/10 - "what if"
Kairo - 7/10 - tough
Insidious - 7/10 - strange and dark

Under The Skin - 7/10 - mysterious

Modern Epistle 4: PDF Version for FREE

Click here to see it now!
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Greetings in Jesus!

As someone who has been on a rollercoaster of writing for the last six years or so, I have enjoyed publishing a novel, a short story collection, and several books of poetry. Recently, I have been following a path of writing that I never intended, but could not stop myself from doing, and this is what you see before you. Writing something like a letter for those that you care about is usually not a publishable item, but I have determined to make them small and inexpensive so that it could easily get to those who need it without an internet connection.

The first definition at defines an epistle as: “A Letter, especially a formal or didactic one; written communication.” This is what this is. This is not intended to act as a substitute, nor an interpretation of scripture for you or anyone. It is merely a missive with my point of view that I was willing to share with you. If something sits right with you, or opens your eyes, or sparks a zeal to learn the Word of God, then the purpose has been complete.

Please enjoy this free copy of Modern Epistle 4. I am giving it away because it is about giving and tithing, and I would be remiss if I decided to not give it away. Plus, I find that it gives you an idea as to what my modern epistles are all about so that you may judge whether or not you would like to acquire another one.

You can view it free HERE. I will probably keep this link open for the remainder of the year, so if you know someone who has questions about tithing or giving... Or even if they don't have questions about it, but you want them to read this, then please share the link. They might need to hear it.

If you agree with the thoughts within and if you feel led of the Lord, please distribute to whomever you wish. If you have had a move of the Holy Spirit in your heart to learn more of what the Lord has revealed to me, by all means visit my website at and find out how you may purchase the rest of them, or just go to my Amazon Page. I would appreciate it.

If however, you find that I am a heretic, a reprobate, and someone who stirs up contention; then by all means delete this from your computer’s memory and move on. If you find that you need to correct the exhortation within, please do so in whatever means you prefer. If you email me personally, I might not have the time to respond to you, so please leave all rebuttals and reproofs on my facebook page at

Whatever you do, whether positive or negative towards this work, I would encourage you to work at it with all your might as working for the Lord, and not for man. For I believe that we are all called to be bond-slaves to Christ and as such, should strive continuously in prayer, supplications and good works to help the body of Christ come to a mature position in Him, who Abraham called: God Most High.

Thanks for taking the time to look at this!

God bless you!

- Pauly Hart

Gotthard Base Tunnel In Switzerland Bizarre Opening Ceremony Inside and Outside

(Inside Ceremony)
Entrance of coach - The Royalty
Entrance of Workers - The Slaves
Entrance of the ideals (on flatcars)
     Flatcar 1 - Sexuality and Lust enter
     Flatcar 2 - Pain and Toil enter
Worship of Sex - Where the many worship the first ideal
     Flatcar 3 - Demons enter
Satan enters with three Overlords worshiping
Procession of the Unclean Priests
Procession of the Virgin Sacrifices
Procession of the Nature Worshipers
The Unholy Dance

(Outside Ceremony)
Entrance of Workers
Race to tunnel
Breaking down the mountain
Breaking through the mountain
Disrobing the Worker
Showing the strength of man
Full disrobe and The Dance of Humanity
Chaos and Unity Dance
Tower  of the Worker
Emergence of the Devil and Demons
Lament of the Virgins
Rising of the Scarabs
Rising of the Demons
The eye of Satan on Mankind
Mankind perishes, Satan's triumph
Satan raises the dead
The Virgins give themselves to Satan
Satan calls the twelve Unholy Disciples
Satan dies and gives life to the Man of Sin and his two mothers
Procession of the New Priesthood
The Men of the new age appear with enlarged intellects
The hordes of mischievousness and gaiety appear
The past is the future and time is irrelevant
The hordes offer their lives and sacrifices
The Men of the New Age offer their allegiance
The Celebration of Man and Humanity

Abraham Land Covenant

My friend Deb from Facebook, posted this:

Abrahamic Land Promise to Israel was fulfilled 3000 years ago!
Israel becoming a nation in 1948 does not fulfill Bible prophecy!
"So the LORD gave Israel ALL the land which He had sworn to give to their fathers, and they possessed it and lived in it.
And the LORD gave them rest on every side, according to all that He had sworn to their fathers, and no one of all their enemies stood before them; the LORD gave all their enemies into their hand.
Not one of the good promises which the LORD had made to the house of Israel failed; all came to pass." Joshua 21:43-45
▶ Restoration happens in the Millennium not on this earth as we know it.
▶ "…And I will make them one nation in the land on the mountains of Israel, and one King shall be king to them all. And they shall not still be two nations, nor shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all," Ezekiel 37:21-22.

Sounds reasonable.

I replied:
i have not studied the prophetic side of this matter, as you seem to have, only the historic one, which i will share with you some of what i have learned.
the promise, (as one can plainly see) from was mostly satisfied by the time of alexander the great, and then again during the umayyed caliphate. now, this is not to say that there will not be a further claim on the land pressed by the 12 tribes alone.
i myself have levitic blood, but don't see myself slaughtering saudi princes. the main point is that there is to be no more killing now that the new and better covenant has been fulfilled.
the questions about YHVH's command to slaughter is still a hot potato in the eyes of many christians, but it has to do with two main issues -
a) the disobedience of ismael, midian, esau and others - they were told to occupy other lands
b) the obedience of the 12 sons of jacob - they were told to not intermarry and stay holy.

Sounds legit to me.