april 29, 2008

hey kids! got two things for you today...

first off i went to the gypsy coffeeshop here in tulsa to their open mic night...
the longest running one in oklahoma... did two very interesting things...

#1. i came across a really neat game that (of course is a fake)... but still very funny.

i hope people digg this or stumbleupon it.



second ~

here's a poem that the gypsy coffeehouse crowd wrote together and i sang it to them.

it's a neat thing. i pass out slips of paper and they write down anything they want and then i put it into a freestyle song.

so again, everything is written by the audience and then i performed it to them in song.

here's what we got tonight.


like water going up the hill
so did jack and jill
fight their wills
snow crabs are cool
it burns

we are constantly subjected to the laws who are not like us.
i paulie hart men
i love nambooski

like water going up the hill
so did jack and jill
fight their wills
snow crabs are cool
it burns

you should really try and iced coconut latte here, they're great.
photo field trip
tramp stamp
gypsy whore!
rainbow colored twinkie fluid
i love baby
oh my god the ferrets are eating my toenails get them off!

like water going up the hill
so did jack and jill
fight their wills
snow crabs are cool
it burns

my penis is small
where it's too; today
wears a black corset
our eyes are mirrors
choose good over evil
gift of love

like water going up the hill
so did jack and jill
fight their wills
snow crabs are cool
it burns

art show by chris mantle, may 10th
on top of bead merchant
in an empty apartment (#1)
also, see where he lives and his
studio apartment #3

like water going up the hill
so did jack and jill
fight their wills
snow crabs are cool
it burns


ok gang that's all for now!

-pauly hart