Love over (reprise)

When I was a little boy,
I played with my little toys.
But now I'm as old as a house,
And my skin is as gray as a mouse.
My teeth that were strong are now dead,
And my hair is a wisp on my head.
Love over. And over. Love come over.
Sherlock Holmes and H.G. Wells.
The Bible sits upon its dusty shelf.
Four thousand questions, no answers.
I blew away all odds and chances.
But now I'm old and understand.
The face connected to the hands.
Love over. And over. Love over.
Single days turned into ill spent weeks.
Thunder rolled, and lightning streaked.
The murder stains on my heart now dry.
As conscience kills the intentions I imply.
Love come over my life, for it's slipping away.
Love come over, and we'll dance the night away.
Love over.

Copyright 2003 by pauly hart

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