Knead, Knead, Knead you thrifty bakers
Knead the world into a harvest of submission
Plough the ground with fallowness and hatred
And till up the stony ground with false love
Oh ye bakers of a lost and dying world
Oh ye makers of a would- be perfect world
You, lesser gods called now and chosen
Knead the world into a harvest of submission
Flatten and spin, knead, knead again
Full of the zeal and fire of your spirit
Powder and fold, flatten, form and mold
Knead knead and knead again
You bakers of the harvest, bakers of the world
You makers of a maelstrom of envy and hate
Bake the cake of forgetfulness and sin
Make straight the way for Lucifer's den
Bakers you are, and leaven in act
Kneading the world to the knowledge of loss
Suffer the rich, and bring lower the poor
Bake all you want, but you shall burn in Abbadon
Copyright 2003 by pauly hart
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