a thingy of waiting

Patience is a thing unsettled. It lurks within the tiredness of your soul and blossoms at times unheeded. It is formulated within ones inept ability to deal with the present, and springs out unawares in future circumstances that deem themselves importantly similar. It is the least sought after of all the virtues seeing that it is borne in hardship and distress. For patience is not only a virtue, but a work. A fruit that comes into season only once in a great while. the biblical term for it was "long-suffering"... and we can easily see why. You must suffer to let patience let her work her perfect work. Perhaps it is never perfected. or perhaps no one really knows because it has never been perfected. perhaps no one has ever took the time to fully explore it. perhaps this is a never perfected work. It takes time, and it take unquenchable amounts of patience. Persistence, Tenacity. Long Suffering. All synonyms with pain. Pain and joy are borne hand in hand both from mother patience. Patience is bought with the price of hardship. The joy of tribulation is small and is only seen as a glimmer on each mans horizon. Let patience grow. Then your horizon will draw nearer. Thanks to patience.

Copyright 2003 by pauly hart

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